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SuperRiff Guitar Electric Guitar VST Instrument (Windows - Free)

Author or Manufacturer: SuperRiff, Inc.
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SuperRiff Guitar (SRG for short) is a simple VST instrument that contains a limited set of custom electric guitar single note samples (with distortion) for use in computer music production. At present (September 2007) SRG contains only one soundbank of samples but with time and public interest more will be added widening the scope and usability of the instrument.

Guitar modelling of any kind can be quite difficult to implement in a plug-in and SRG is not groundbreaking by any means. Instead it should be seen as simply a fun plug-in that may be of some use in certain circumstances.

Using SuperRiff Guitar
Each note on a keyboard from E1 to D5 can trigger three different guitar sample types depending on which one of three velocity values is triggered. (47 samples per type, 141 samples in total ).

The 3 sample types are:
1: Palm-muted single notes.
2: Open string single notes
3: Vibrated single notes.

Using exact velocity value editing according to the table below and pitch bend automation, a simple lead or rhythm guitar performance can be achieved. Mod wheel use is also possible.

Keep in mind that velocity values as they are normally used do not apply to SRG. The different values are used as triggers for the appropriate samples and not as a means to affect dynamic velocity control values such as soft and hard.

Low velocity values trigger the palm-muted samples, mid-range values trigger the open string samples and high-range velocity values trigger the vibrato samples. Each sound type is accessible in your VST supported host by drawing velocity values directly into your sequencer’s piano roll which trigger the appropriate sample.

Download: SuperRiff Guitar Electric Guitar VST Instrument (Windows - Free)

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