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Cakewalk SONAR 8 Producer (Windows - Demo)

Author or Manufacturer: Cakewalk Music Software
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Cakewalk, the world's leading developer of powerful and easy to use products for music creation and recording, announces availability of a free demonstration version of its industry-leading SONAR 8 DAW.

The trial version of SONAR 8 in both 32- and 64-bit versions is available in five localized languages. Users can test-drive the SONAR 8 demo for up to 15 days, create and save their projects, then register on-line to earn another free 15 trial days. Once the trial version expires, users will be able to save their projects and purchase the full version of SONAR 8 if they choose, at which time they will be able to re-access their projects.

SONAR 8 is the technology-leading digital audio workstation (DAW) and gives users everything they need for recording, composing, editing, mixing, and mastering. Featuring the best collection of virtual instruments, mixing, and mastering effects found in any DAW, SONAR 8 provides the freedom to work with any audio interface or control surface, and the most complete delivery capability for collaboration with users of other DAWs.

This trial version has the following restrictions:
* This is a trial version of both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of SONAR 8 Producer Edition. It is fully functional for 30 days, but must be registered within the initial 15-day grace period.
* Includes trial versions of the following plug-ins that are locked to the SONAR 8 trial verison
      o Sonitus effect suite
      o Cakewalk MFX suite
      o PSYN II
* No other effects and instruments are included in this trial download.
* When downloading always select Save this program to disk, do not select Run this program from its current location.

Download at:
* SONAR 8.0.2 Producer Edition Trial Version (32-bit)
* SONAR 8.0.2 Producer Edition Trial Version (64-bit)
And check out: The Cakewalk SONAR Power! Book Series

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