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Cakewalk V-Studio 700 1.1 Update (Windows - Free)

Author or Manufacturer: Cakewalk Music Software
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SONAR V-Studio 700 1.1 Update
The information in this article applies to:
    * SONAR V-Studio 700

New Features in VS-700 1.1
    * Channel Branch Mode - In this handy mode Fader 1 controls the volume of the selected track with faders 2-8 also controlling the associated sends for the selected track. It's an effective big board mixing technique available at the push of a button
    * Full featured and powerful ARX expansion board editor that emulates the graphic interface of the Fantom synthesizer
    * Default ACT mappings for all synthesizer and processer plug-ins included in SONAR 8
    * Navigate plug-in presets from the surface
    * Finer resolution option for the rotary encoders
    * Enhanced control over the I/O from the surface
    * Joystick controller can now be used to move windows
    * Support for 2nd Fantom VS synth when an additional VS-700R is installed

Control Surface + SONAR Issues Resolved
    * Soloing layers now correctly displays layer mute states
    * Instrument tracks can now be armed
    * Pan encoders now indicated "SRRND" when routing a track to a surround bus
    * Surround width control is now available from the control surface
    * Surround joystick can now control panning from sends
    * Improve sync between fader positions and values displayed on the LCD
    * SHIFT + WHEEL now correctly fades clips
    * [ARM] lights now reset properly after exiting plug-in mode
    * Instrument tracks can now be frozen
    * Send gain display is now properly displayed in LCD for both the Faders and the Channel Strip Control Section
    * Flip did not always assign encoder parameters to faders
    * Encoder assignments sometimes did not display correctly in the LCD
    * After exiting layer mode, it was sometimes difficult to select tracks from the VS-700C
    * Under rare circumstances, turning a pan encoder left 1 click caused the pan value to drastically pan right
    * Automation now works correctly for instrument tracks

VS-700 Control Surface Plug-in Issues Resolved
    * Footswitch assignments are now working correctly
    * In the Direct Mix page, "Synth 2" was incorrectly labeled as "Synth 21"
    * In Mic Pre page "Gain" label was missing for input 8
    * Deleting the VS-700 Control Surface Plug-in sometimes caused a crash
    * Mic pre-amp gain settings now accuratley reflecting actual gain of 20dB-64dB
    * Presets now saving correctly when using two VS-700R units

Fantom VS Editor Issues Resolved
    * New warning message for when trying to insert a 2nd instance of the Fantom VS
    * MFX type "05 Super Filter" parameter group is now correctly named "FILTER"
    * MFX type "10 Speaker Simulator" parameter group name is now correctly named "LEVEL"

Download at: http://www.cakewalk.com/support/kb/kb20090302.asp
And check out: The Cakewalk SONAR Power! Book Series

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