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Cakewalk Rapture Wavetable Synthesizer 1.2 Update (Mac/Windows - Free)

Author or Manufacturer: Cakewalk Music Software
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Cakewalk has released a free update for their Rapture wavetable software synthesizer.

Issues Resolved in Rapture 1.2
* VST version now works in some hosts that do not support VST 2.4
* x64 VST version now patches correctly
* Envelope Generator nodes could go negative
* Authorization issues under Windows Vista when not run as administrator
* 'Use Single Mode' now works in Windows Vista without having to run as administrator
* In some cases an exception error that would occur when opening the editor in Project5 version 2.5 has been corrected
* An exception would occur if the buffer size was larger than 4096 samples in DXi hosts
* DXi automation performance issues
* Band Pass Filter issues
* Program fix: 'RGC Brass Bands'

New Features in Rapture 1.2
* Envelope Generators can now be retriggerd from the Step Generator
* Internal Tempo with Tap - Rapture can now sync to its own internal tempo
* You can now save and load presets in the Envelope Generator and Step Generator sections
* Envelope Generator now autoscrolls when entering nodes
* Knob Focus Indicator - the currently selected knob will now have edging around it
* Built-in DC Offset blocker to remove unwanted DC Offset distortion
* Up/Down selectors now have direct text entry by double-clicking on them
* New alternate 'Zoom On View' mode in the Envelope Generator
* Vista x64 improvements - the installer now allows you to choose to install either the 32 or 64-bit versions of Rapture on Windows Vista x64

Download at: Cakewalk Rapture Wavetable Synthesizer 1.2 Update (Mac/Windows - Free)

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