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Ohm Force Frohmage Filter FX Plug-In (Mac/Windows - Free)

Author or Manufacturer: Ohm Force
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Sorry, did someone say FREE? Yes indeed. Ohmforce's most affordable plugin offers, as you would a expect, a unique palette of sounds, combining lowpass filtering and analogue crunch with a bundle of special features.

You can easily tune the filter to resonate with specific notes in your music, and the built in harmonic multiband feature adds tons of warmth to your sound. For extreme fun, delay effects can be applied across the filters at the turn of a single knob, creating swish phasing or weird gliding echoes.

Finally, why not dial in some distortion. Whether you like your music to scream in pain, or simply crave that phat, analog tone, Frohmage's final overdrive stage is waiting to be abused. Oh, and did we mention that it's free?

Core Features:
* Highly resonant low-pass filter
* Cutoff frequency unit selection : Hz or musical note
* Up to 15 additional bands, harmonically distributed
* Delay on each band for unique phaser effects
* Distortion stage, with two routing schemes
* Very fine MIDI control (PRN and NPRN sent or recorded by Frohmage are 14-bit accurate)
* Low CPU load

In addition to the free Frohmage plug-in, you can get any full Ohm Force product for 10% off by using this coupon code: DIGIFREQ-OHM and going to: the Ohm Force web site.

Download at: Ohm Force Frohmage Filter FX Plug-In (Mac/Windows - Free)

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