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Native Instruments Holiday Selection 2009 VSTi (Mac/Windows - Free)

Author or Manufacturer: Native Instruments
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Native Instruments HOLIDAY SELECTION 2009, a freely downloadable instrument that combines selected sounds from the versatile range of KORE- and KONTAKT-Powered instruments. Covering a wide sonic spectrum from sampled acoustic instruments to futuristic soundscapes and radical poly-effects, HOLIDAY SELECTION 2009 provides diverse and musically useful sound material for all kinds of genres, for use with KORE 2 and with the free KORE PLAYER.

HOLIDAY SELECTION 2009 includes 45 KoreSounds with eight morphable Sound Variations each, resulting in 360 individual sounds. Concise parameter assignments allow for immediate, intuitive sound tweaking in KORE 2 and KORE PLAYER. Full musical metadata for all presets also lets HOLIDAY SELECTION 2009 integrate seamlessly with any individual collection of KORE-Powered instruments.

Includes sounds from:
* '57 DRAWBAR ORGAN - The legendary 1957 Hammond™ C3 drawbar organ
* KONTAKT RETRO MACHINES - The sounds of seminal synths and drum machines from the 70's and 80's
* KONTAKT SAX & BRASS - Saxophones, trumpets and trombones from KONTAKT
* DEEP RECONSTRUCTIONS - Highly creative, unconventional effects
* ESSENTIAL BASS - Ready-to-use instrument containing classic synth basses to sampled uprights
* URBAN ARSENAL 2 - Second installment of the complete hip-hop production toolkit
* ACOUSTIC REFRACTIONS - Original sampled sounds, combined with advanced processing
* MASCHINE DRUM SELECTION – Groove construction tool and library taken from MASCHINE
* EVOLVE MUTATIONS - Rhythmic suites, percussive kits and unconventional instruments/ FX
* ABSYNTH SPECTRAL EXPANSIONS - Newly designed sounds from the modern legend ABSYNTH
* ABSYNTH TWILIGHTS - From ethereal, enchanting pads to dark and foreboding soundscapes
* SONIC FICTION - Brilliantly bizarre musical instruments inspired by Sci-Fi culture

Download: Native Instruments Holiday Selection 2009 VSTi (Mac/Windows - Free)

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