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MuseScore Notation Software (PC, Mac, Linux - Free)

Author or Manufacturer: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license, 2002-2013 Werner Schweer and others.
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Create beautiful sheet music for free using MuseScore, the free and open source notation program!

MuseScore runs on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux, and is available in over 40 different languages. Whether you are an experienced user of other notation programs like Finale or Sibelius, or a newcomer to the world of music notation programs, MuseScore has the tools you need to make your music look as good as it sounds. Check out the following links to take the tour and see what MuseScore can do for you!

Most elements in MuseScore are laid out automatically but can also be positioned manually. The capabilities of MuseScore can be extended via plugins, and the growing repository on musescore.org contains many plugins submitted by users.

MuseScore includes a set of sounds that reproduce common instruments (as defined by General MIDI) without taking up a lot of disk space or memory, but you can also substitute any SoundFont you prefer for a wider variety of sounds or for more realism.

MuseScore can import and export MIDI and MusicXML files, and it can also import from Capella and several other programs. MuseScore can export to PDF, PNG, and other graphic formats, to WAV and other audio formats, or to LilyPond for an alternative layout and print option.

Download at: musescore.org.

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