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LoftSoft cesSynth1 VST2 Analog Synth (Free)

Author or Manufacturer: LoftSoft
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This document introduces cesSynth1, a VST2 plugin which models a flexible analogue synthesiser. The synth is a dual oscillator design, incorporating a fourth order resonant low pass filter. The model features:

* Polyphonic - up to 32 notes can be played, with a polyphony limiting control
* Dual oscillators, with selectable octaves
* Three oscillator waveforms (variable pulse, variable saw and triangle), which can be combined to produce complex composite waveforms for each oscillator.
* Three modulation sources (LFO, and two complex envelope generators).
* Fourth order resonant low pass filter.
* The following controls can be modulated - frequency of each oscillator, VCA for each oscillator, VCF cutoff frequency.
* A custom GUI
* Monophonic, polyphonic and Arpeggio operating modes.

The frequency of each oscillator is based on the fundamental of the note played, and the status of the pitch bend wheel. This base frequency can be modulated by the modulation sources, and Oscillator 2 can also be modified by a constant offset. Each oscillator provides three basic waveforms - pulse, saw and triangle. There is a width control for the pulse and saw waveforms which controls the amount of time spent on the first half of the cycle (positive for pulse, and rising for saw).

Download at: LoftSoft cesSynth1 VST2 Analog Synth (Free)

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