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LoftSoft cesSynth2 VST2 Drawbar Organ Simulation Synth (Free)

Author or Manufacturer: LoftSoft
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This document introduces cesSynth2, a VST2 plugin which models a drawbar organ. The synth offers the following features:

* Polyphonic - up to 64 notes can be played, with a polyphony limiting control
* Nine harmonics, with individually selectable levels. There is an additional a detuned oscillator for each harmonic, with a user selectable detune level.
* Full ADSR control of the amplitude.
* Stereo output, with pan controls for each oscillator, and an autopanning control
* Control of the detuned oscillators
* Click simulation
* Percussion simulation
* Resonant LP filter
* A custom GUI

It is possible to configure cesSynth2 to produce some very complicated sounds. Some aspects of the sound are computationaly expensive, and similar results can be achieved with significant performance savings.

* The synth provides 9 harmonics. In the GUI, there is a slider for the output level of each harmonic. Under the slider is a knob providing a detune control for the harmonic, and under that a pan control. The overall width of the pan is controlled by the Pan Depth control.
* The envelope section provides a standard ADSR for the overall note amplitude.
* The pan section allows a pan depth (from mono to full stereo width) and an autopan rate. The pan rate moves the position of the harmonics within the stereo image at the indicated rate.
* The tune section allows the range of the detuned oscillators to be selected (maximum setting is 1 semitone), and the level of the detuned oscillators. It is therefore possible to produce 'beat' type effects by setting the level at maximum and detuning the oscillators by only a few hz. With large range settings, richer harmonic sounds can be produced.

Download at: LoftSoft cesSynth2 VST2 Drawbar Organ Simulation Synth (Free)

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