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LoftSoft cesSynth5 VST2 Drum Synth (Free)

Author or Manufacturer: LoftSoft
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This document introduces cesSynth5, a VST2 plugin which models a flexible analogue drum synthesiser. The synth offers the following features:

* Three oscillators, two offering tuned waveforms, with the third offering noise.
* Separate envelope generators for each waveform, with individual decay rates
* Distortion control for the tuned oscillator waveform
* Low pass resonant filter
* Multi-timbral operation

This synth is unusual in the way it responds to note information. The synth does not respond to the note value, only the note velocity. To select different sounds, you must use the multi-timbral feature of the synth. By default, the 16 midi channels map to programs 1 to 16 in the loaded bank.

The unusual part of the synth is that changing the program in the bank through the GUI does NOT change the program which the channel is using. This allows you to change the settings you are viewing without affecting the sound which is being played.

This synth is multi-timbral, and polyphonic. It is limited to 32 notes of polyphony, and will play back separate sounds on each midi channel. By default, the 16 midi channels select the 16 different programs in the sound bank. If you send a channel a program change message, the channel will honour this, and use the newly selected program.

Download at: LoftSoft cesSynth5 VST2 Drum Synth (Free)

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