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DrumFlow - Powerful Drum Sequencer (Free)

Author or Manufacturer: Nikolai Tikhonov
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DrumFlow is a powerful drum sequencer. DrumFlow has a built-in Drum Setup editor (for GS or XG MIDI). DrumFlow allows you to create custom percussion parts with adjustable drums and then to export these parts to your MIDI editor (e.g. Cakewalk or Cubase) through the clipboard or a MIDI file.

MIDI musicians always wanted to get good and fresh drum sounds and patterns. It is tricky to make fine and original drum parts in MIDI. Some composers use the digitalized samples of drumbeats, called 'loops'. But pure MIDI doesn't support any digital sounds, for instead MIDI operates only MIDI events and controllers. Here comes my program: it is an ideal way to create MIDI drumloops!

DrumFlow features:

* 10 adjustable drum setup parameters per each drum: pitch coarse, filter cutoff and resonance, volume, stereo pan, EG attack and decay, reverb, chorus and variation levels
* 6 overall MIDI settings, such as: pitch coarse, filter values, reverberation, chorus and variation send levels
* 127 possible drums in 127 possible MIDI drum banks
* 16 drums and 32-event drum sequencer
* Export drum setup and sequence to MIDI file or clipboard

Download at: DrumFlow - Powerful Drum Sequencer (Free)

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