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d-lusion Drumstation Drum Sequencing Software (Free)

Author or Manufacturer: d-lusion interactive media
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Based on the concept of the legendary drum computers TR-909, TR-808 and TR-606 whose throbbing bassdrums and crashing hihats sent generations of dance-music enthusiasts into extasy, Drumstation combines cool old drum machine features with cutting-edge software-synthesis technology.

Drumstation features 8 channels of drums (either samples or synthesized drum sounds), programmable via an easy-to-use step sequencer, effects (realtime reverb, delay, flanger, filter, distortion) for each channel, loops can be sliced and stretched. With the drumkit manager, you can create your own drumkits.

DrumStation is a virtual drum computer and groove studio for your PC. It is roughly based on the legendary Roland TR-909 drummachine. DrumStation makes it possible to create beats in CD quality without any further knowledge and in no time.

All created grooves can of course be saved as .wav data in order to be used in other music software. Whether you are a DJ in a club or a producer in a studio, DrumStation is your ideal partner for smoothe grooves, funky breaks and hardcore techno beats.

* 8 channels
* step sequencer with 384 entries
* realtime effects for every channel
* reverb, hall, flanger, delay, lp filter, distortion, timeshifting
* 16 Bit, 44.1 kHz, cd quality
* enhanced sampler functionality
* live-act tools
* virtual drums and wave file import
* drumkit manager
* synchronizer to RubberDuck H30+ 2.0 available.
* .wav render function

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