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Algorithmic Composer Object-Oriented Music Compositional Tool (Windows - Free)

Author or Manufacturer: Angelo Fraietta
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Algorithmic Composer is a Windows based program that allows users to create musical textures and events by piecing virtual objects together with patch cables on the computer screen, similar to the way a person might join pieces from a Mechano set to create a truck, train, crane, etc. With the Mechano set a truck might be created by joining metal panels with bolts, adding wheels, windows, motor, etc., which is just putting together pre-fabricated materials in a meaningful way to produce a desired result.

Algorithmic Composer allows the user to create in a similar way by connecting counters, delays, metronomes, flip-flops, calculators, and other such devices. The user can interact with the program by using the mouse and /or a midi input device, and the computer sound card or an external midi sound engine produces the sound. Algorithmic Composer does not use a manuscript based representation, and so a person does not have to be able to read music to use the program.

Algorithmic Composer is also a powerful diagnostic tool useful for testing the capabilities and limitations of other MIDI software, external MIDI hardware devices, and the computer sound card. I use Algorithmic Composer in my work as a computer technician to test the functionality of sound cards on computers that are reported faulty. I use Algorithmic Composer to test, both individually and collectively, the entire setup from keyboards, sound card, through to the speakers and external synthesizers.

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