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Nexoft Software LoopAZoid Stereo Drum Sampler (Mac/Windows - Free)

Author or Manufacturer: Nexoft Software
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With LoopAZoid, you get an easy to use and powerful tool for playing one-shot samples in your songs. One instance holds up to 48 different samples, which can be freely assigned to up to 96 different MIDI notes - two each, for forward & reverse playback.

It's the easy handling, that makes LoopAZoid such a pleasure to use: just click on one of the 48 channel selector buttons: holding while clicking opens a file load dialog, where you can select a WAV or AIFF sample.

Each of the 48 sample channels has a pre-defined MIDI note attached; triggering these in your sequencer plays the associated sample. In fact you have two MIDI notes for each sample, one for forward and one for reverse playback.

Building sample kits in LoopAZoid is easy and fast; now you can make pumping grooves with your sequencer or play and record them realtime. LoopAZoid can handle stereo and mono samples and play them back with up to 64 voices, while each sample can be played fully polyphonic.

LoopAZoid makes handling samples and kits as easy as possible: all loaded samples are stored as file references within your song; no need to bother where on the hard disk they are. Samples do not have to be within a certain directory to be used together, so you could easily build you own disk hierarchy and have the sampler take care where your samples are - not you.

Download at: Nexoft Software LoopAZoid Stereo Drum Sampler (Windows - Free)

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