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KTGranulator Delay Line Granulator VST/AU Plug-In Effect (Mac/Windows - Free)

Author or Manufacturer: Koen Tanghe @ Smartelectronix
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KTGranulator Delay Line Granulator VST/AU Plug-In Effect (Mac/Windows - Free)

KTGranulator is a free delay line granulator available as a VST effect plugin with custom editor and as a MacOSX Audio Unit. It was made as an exploration in building VST effect plugins and using the VSTGUI library and was inspired by the great DLGranulator effect in Ross Bencina's AudioMulch.

It works like this: incoming (mono) sound is fed into a delay line from which small pieces of various durations and at different moments in the past are selected. Each of these pieces is then amplified, transposed and enveloped to form a "grain". Each grain is also randomly panned and the whole mix is sent out to a stereo output stream. Feedback of the grain output back into the delay line is also provided, and the delay line can also be frozen so that the grains are only taken from what is currently stored in the delay line.

Some hints to get started:
* check out some of the "factory presets" to see what is possible and how it's done
* two small and different delays give a basic reverb sound
* two grains and an IOT of around 25 ms yields a tremolo-like sound
* a reasonable amount of feedback combined with a noticeable delay time and pitch shifting gives "rising or falling sound"
* unequal, but close to each other minimum and maximum pitch shifting settings yield a detune effect
* very small unequal delay times, combined with feedback yields phasing
* checking the freeze button and then moving the locked delay time sliders allows you to scrub manually through the previously recorded sound (stretching, reversing, speeding)
* using a very big duration, an IOT time of just above half the duration time and a small number of grains while the delay line is frozen, lets you experiment with looping the contents of the recorded past (use the delay sliders to change the looped range)

Download at: KTGranulator Delay Line Granulator VST/AU Plug-In Effect (Mac/Windows - Free)

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