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Boxsounds Dragon II Virtual Analog Synthesizer (Windows - Free)

Author or Manufacturer: Boxsounds
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Boxsounds Dragon II Virtual Analog Synthesizer (Windows - Free)

* 3 Dual oscillators with detune
* 4 Waveshapes (sine,saw,triangle and square)
* Octave, semitone and cent pitch control
* Pulse width
* Sync
* FM
* Sub-oscillator (saw/square) with octave pitch control (-1/-2)
* Noise generator (white/pink)

* 3 LFOs with attack, 5 waveshapes (sine,square,saw,ramp and random sample and hold), pulse width, the option to sync to the host tempo (1/16 to 16 bars) and restart
* 3 Envelopes (attack,delay,sustain and release) with invert
* Each LFO and envelope can modulate 24 parameters simultaneously
* Modulation wheel and velocity control which can both modulate 33 parameters simultaneously

* 2 Multimode filters with 5 filter types (band reject,high pass 12dB, band pass 12 dB,low pass 12dB and moog-style 24dB ladder), cut-off, resonance and keyboard tracking
* Pre-filter overdive for each filter with shape and amount control
* Link option for the cut-off and resonance controls
* Mix options include just filter one, series or parallel
* Parallel mix control
* Dedicate envelope with invert
* Option to route either or both filters to the envelope

Amp Envelope
* Option to modulate the amp at audio frequency with the output from one of the oscillators

* Polyphonic (6-note), monophonic retrigger and monophonic legato modes
* Portamento time control
* Pitch bend (0 to 12 semitones)
* Pan

MIDI Learn
* Available for all knobs except the LFO/Env and mod wheel/velocity destination amounts

Download at: Boxsounds Dragon II Virtual Analog Synthesizer (Windows - Free)

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