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Scott R. Garrigus' DigiFreq(TM) - Figaro & Sonar Home Studio 4 ISSN: 1531-6505; Issue 22 Music technology news, articles, reviews, tips and tutorials for home recording and professional musicians! WHAT READERS SAY... "I'm VERY impressed with your knowledge of the software and its capabilities, in addition to your uncommon ability to communicate that knowledge comprehensively, yet succinctly. I don't usually make note of 'technical reference' authors, but your books are at the high mark. I respect you as an excellent author and technician, and I've purchased your books for several years now. And I'll continue to do so." - Doug Landgren For more information about the Cakewalk, Sonar, and Sound Forge Power books, go to: http://www.garrigus.com/powerbooks.asp * * * * * Scott's Notes - Figaro & Sonar Home Studio 4 FIGARO GARRIGUS (1986 - 2005) I would like to dedicate this issue to DigiFreq's unofficial mascot and my best friend and companion, Figaro (my pet cat) who passed away on July 30th. Those of you who have read my books have seen Figaro mentioned in the dedications and acknowledgments. He and I had been together since I was 18 and in my senior year in high school. That was almost 18 and 1/2 years ago. I'll be dedicating my next Sonar book to Figaro, but in the meantime, I've posted a small tribute to him. To read the tribute and post your thoughts, go to: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/discussdetail.asp?TopicID=8246 SONAR 4 POWER FOR SONAR HOME STUDIO 4 USERS Cakewalk recently released the new version of their Home Studio software, which is now called Sonar Home Studio 4 and 4 XL. I know some of you will be purchasing this new software and some of you will be upgrading from previous versions of Home Studio. Just to let you know, if you need a book to guide you through all of the features of the software with step-by-step examples and exercises, then look no further than my Sonar 4 Power book. Why? Because Sonar Home Studio 4 is basically a scaled-down version of Sonar 4. This means that my Sonar 4 Power book will provide everything you need to unlock the potential of your Sonar Home Studio 4 and 4 XL software. The book is currently available via my site for 34% off. So what are you waiting for? Grab your own copy of Sonar 4 Power today by going to: http://www.garrigus.com/powerbooks.asp Thanks for your support! Enjoy the issue... Scott http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/ * * * * * DFreqCONTEST - Sonar Home Studio 4 Congratulations to Brian Z for winning the Native Instruments Intakt contest! (Winners are notified by e-mail). For this contest, DigiFreq is giving away some cool software from Cakewalk Music Software. One lucky winner will walk away with a free copy of the new Sonar Home Studio 4! For those of you that didn't win the Native Instruments Intakt product, you can find more information and purchase a copy at: http://www.zzounds.com/a--303813/item--NININTAKT Remember, you have to be a subscriber to be eligible, and as long as you remain a subscriber, you are automatically entered into each contest. For more information go to: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/contest.asp * * * * * DFreqDISCUSS - FireWire, Surround, Outboard Gear, CD Printers. Some of the latest music technology discussions: Firewire Audio/Midi Interfaces for Windows XP http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/discussdetail.asp?TopicID=8260 Surround Sound http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/discussdetail.asp?TopicID=8249 Casio CD Printers http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/discussdetail.asp?TopicID=8242 USB2 Hard Drive Losing Formating http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/discussdetail.asp?TopicID=8245 Tom Petty Amp Settings http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/discussdetail.asp?TopicID=6751 Outboard Gear http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/discussdetail.asp?TopicID=8105 Starting Sonar 4 with a blank project http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/discussdetail.asp?TopicID=8199 Studio Set-Up http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/discussdetail.asp?TopicID=8219 To read up on other interesting topics, or to post and get answers to your own questions, go to: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/discuss.asp * * * * * DFreqDEALS - MusicLab's DrumTools Performance Designer Have difficulties in creating your OWN professionally performed drum parts? Now forget about that with the intelligent DrumTools Performance Designer software. DrumTools Performance Designer is a powerful MIDI application allowing for the instant creation of drum performances including drum/percussion loops, fills, intros, endings, and solos. You can then simply trigger them by MIDI notes from your sequencer to easily turn separate performances into complete drum tracks perfectly matching your song. For more information, and a special 10% discount, go to: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/deals.asp * * * * * DFreqNEWS - Fishman, Finale, Sibelius, Piano, and more. Some of the latest music technology news: Brian Moore Guitar & Planet Waves Giveaway Sweepstakes Contest http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/newsinfo.asp?NewsID=2532 Fishman Plug in and Win Sweepstakes http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/newsinfo.asp?NewsID=2520 MakeMusic Finale 2006 Notation Software http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/newsinfo.asp?NewsID=2522 Dance Music Manual: Toys, Tools and Techniques http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/newsinfo.asp?NewsID=2507 The Stories Behind Every Beatles Song http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/newsinfo.asp?NewsID=2497 Sibelius 4 Music Notation Software http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/newsinfo.asp?NewsID=2478 Salute! The World War II Tribute Album http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/newsinfo.asp?NewsID=2470 What Every Musician Should Know About Self-Promotion http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/newsinfo.asp?NewsID=2465 The Complete Idiot's Guide to Music Theory http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/newsinfo.asp?NewsID=2420 IAMA (International Acoustic Music Awards) Kicks Off http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/newsinfo.asp?NewsID=2452 How to Convert Records and Tapes to CD - DVD Tutorial http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/newsinfo.asp?NewsID=2440 Native Instruments Absynth 3 Tutorial DVD http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/newsinfo.asp?NewsID=2431 Magix Music Studio 10 Deluxe http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/newsinfo.asp?NewsID=2425 Play Piano in a Flash! http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/newsinfo.asp?NewsID=2387 For more of the latest music technology news, go to: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/news.asp Also be sure to check out all the great consumer and small business technology news over at: http://www.newtechreview.com/newtechreview/ * * * * * DFreqARTICLES - Optimizing, Sequencer Techniques, MIDI Drums, etc. Some of the latest music technology articles: Optimizing your Music & Audio PC (Part 1) http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/article.asp?ID=14 Optimizing your Music & Audio PC (Part 2) http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/article.asp?ID=15 MIDI & Digital Audio Music Sequencer Techniques (Part 1) http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/article.asp?ID=12 MIDI & Digital Audio Music Sequencer Techniques (Part 2) http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/article.asp?ID=13 Convolution Reverb and Beyond http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/article.asp?ID=9 Player Against the Machine - Creating Realistic Instrument Tracks http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/article.asp?ID=8 Running Audio Plug-Ins Using DSP-Accelerator Hardware http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/article.asp?ID=4 Splitting Up Your Midi Drums In Cakewalk http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/article.asp?ID=3 For more of the latest music technology articles, go to: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/articles.asp * * * * * DFreqTIP - Cutting a Range of MIDI Notes with Cakewalk There may be times when you're working on a project that you would like to take a certain range of notes from one track and move them to another track. For example, if you recorded a keyboard performance on one track, but would rather have the left and right hand parts on two different tracks. Using Cakewalk software, you can achieve this by doing the following: 1) Select the track that contains the performance. 2) Choose Edit > Select > By Filter. 3) Click the None button. 4) Put a check mark next to the Note option. 5) Choose the range of notes you want to select by entering values for the Key Min and Key Max parameters. Click OK. 6) Choose Edit > Cut. 7) Make sure the Events In Tracks option is activated. Click OK. 8) Choose Edit > Paste. Set the Starting Time to 1:01:000 and set the Repetitions to 1. 9) Set the Starting At Track parameter to the number of the track to which you want to paste the new data. Click OK. You should now have two tracks with different ranges of notes that when combined, play the entire performance. * * * * * DFreqFINISH - Send Your Suggestions! Thanks for reading another issue of Digifreq! Please remember to send me your article suggestions. I publish this newsletter not just for myself, but for you too! So let me know what you'd like to see in future issues. In the meantime, please keep spreading the word about DigiFreq. I really appreciate all your help and support! Thanks! Scott http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/ -------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER DigiFreq(TM) is provided for informational purposes only. Any damage resulting from the use of the information herein is the sole responsibility of the reader. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2005 by Scott R. Garrigus. All Rights Reserved. Please tell your friends about DigiFreq. If you'd like to recommend this newsletter to a friend, go to: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/recommend.asp To access back issues, go to: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/issues.asp ==================================================================== |
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