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Scott R. Garrigus' DigiFreq(TM) - Let the World Hear Your Music
ISSN: 1531-6505; Issue 27
Music technology downloads, news, articles, reviews, tips and tutorials for home recording and professional musicians. Over 19,000 readers can't be wrong!

"If you are a Sonar user then this book (Sonar 5 Power!) is as essential as all the other gear in your studio. If you are thinking about making the jump from Pro Tools or Cubase to Sonar for its deeper feature set, this book will give you a guided tour of not only the application but also the superb plug-ins and soft synths that ship with it. Since I've had this book I've used it as a reference during every single Sonar project I've completed." - Greg Keenan

For more information about the Cakewalk, Sonar, and Sound Forge Power books, go to:

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Scott's Notes - Musicians, Let the World Hear Your Music

Garrigus.com and DigiFreq announced that together they are launching the new DigiFreq Music Promotion service for independent musicians. This new service aims to help independent musicians gain some added exposure for their work. Hosted via the DigiFreq web site, the service provides one section for music listening and another for music submissions.

Music lovers looking for something beyond the stale selections provided by many radio stations today, can find a wide variety of new, independent music in the listening section of the DigiFreq web site. A wide range of genres is represented here, including Alternative, Blues, Country, Rock, Pop, Jazz, Latin, R&B, Hip-Hop/Rap, Electronic, New Age, and more. A list of titles (more being added daily) is available at:

Musicians wanting to get their music listed on the DigiFreq site can do so by filling out a simple submission form. Site submissions are free and are processed on a first come, first served basis. The only requirement is that the title being submitted must be available for sale from either Amazon.com or CDBaby.com. Once a submission is processed, it is listed in the music section of the site, complete with a detail page and Listen To links.

In addition to being published on the DigiFreq web site, musicians can upgrade their submission and get their music listed in the DigiFreq newsletter for a small fee. A listing in the newsletter provides a huge amount of exposure given that the newsletter currently goes out to over 19,000+ readers. Plus, past newsletter issues are archived on the site so that new readers are exposed to past music listings as well.

Musicians can submit their music to DigiFreq by going to:

So what are you waiting for? Get your music submitted to DigiFreq today!

Thanks for your support! Enjoy the issue...


                             * * * * *

DFreqCONTEST - Sony ACID Pro 6

Congratulations to Donald L for winning the Cakewalk Sonar 5 contest! (Winners are notified by e-mail). There was also one other winner, but they haven't responded yet. If we don't hear from them shortly, then we will choose one new winner and announce that person in a future issue.

For the current contest, DigiFreq has teamed up with Sony once again to give away some copies of their new ACID Pro 6 music recording software. There will be two lucky winners who will each walk away with a free copy of the new ACID Pro 6!

For those of you that didn't win the Cakewalk Sonar 5 product, you can find more information and purchase a copy at:

Cakewalk Sonar 5 Producer Edition:

Cakewalk Sonar 5 Studio Edition:

Remember, you have to be a subscriber to be eligible, and as long as you remain a subscriber, you are automatically entered into each contest. For more information go to:

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DFreqMUSIC - Joey Stuckey, Western Civ, Digbees, Keni Thomas

Some of the latest music listings added to the DigiFreq site:

So Far (Joey Stuckey) - Various Styles

Regent Kingfish Slumberpad (Western Civ) - Rock

Love Is A Train (The Digbees) - Rock

Freaky Little Story (The Megan Slankard Band) - Rock

Flags Of Our Fathers (Keni Thomas) - Country

One Step At A Time (Sharron Kay King) - Gospel

What Kind Of Cat Are You? (Billy Jonas) - Children's

For more of the latest music listings, go to:

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DFreqREVIEWS - Sibelius, Piano, Guitar, Sonic Maximizer

Some of the latest music technology reviews:

Sibelius 4 Music Notation Software

Piano & Keyboard Method 1

PlayPro Interactive Guitar 2.5

Blues Guitar Legends

BBE Sonic Maximizer

For more of the latest music technology reviews, go to:

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DFreqDISCUSS - Mastering, Vester Guitars, Apple Loops

Some of the latest music technology discussions:

What's Your Studio Like?

Studio Mastering

USB 2.0 Upgrade for Laptop

Vester Guitars

Mixer for Recording?

Apple Loops?

To read up on other interesting topics, or to post and get answers to your own questions, go to:

                             * * * * *

DFreqNEWS - Groovy Music, Sony Sound Effects, Jamstix

Some of the latest music technology news:

Sibelius Groovy Music - Shapes

Sony Sound Effects Series Volumes Six Through Ten

FXpansion Introduces BFD Jazz & Funk Collection

Drums On Demand Introduces My Co-Writer Vol. 1: Pro Rhythm Tracks

Rayzoon SnarePak for Jamstix Released

For more of the latest music technology news, go to:

Also be sure to check out all the great consumer and small business technology news over at:

                             * * * * *

DFreqARTICLES - Tube Amps, Electric Guitar, DAW Computing

Some of the latest music technology articles:

Working with Tube Amps in the Studio

How To Record Electric Guitar - Tips and Techniques

Holding Remote Recording Sessions over the Internet

The Future of DAW Computing - 2006

Piecing Together a Great Audio Master

For more of the latest music technology articles, go to:

                             * * * * *

DFreqTIPS - Crossfading, Easier Editing, Cakewalk Picture Cache

Some of the latest music technology tips:

Avoiding Audio File Clicks and Pops with Crossfading

Easier Cakewalk Editing with the Scroll Lock Key

Automatically Empty the Cakewalk Picture Cache

Various Cakewalk Sonar Quick Tips - Volume 1

Various Sound Forge Quick Tips - Volume 1

For more of the latest music technology tips, go to:

                             * * * * *

DFreqDOWNLOADS - AnalogX, Syntiac, PrimoPDF, SSL LMC-1

Some of the latest music technology downloads:

AnalogX AutoTune Audio Sample Tuning Utility (Windows - Free)

AnalogX DXMan DirectX Plug-In Manager (Windows - Free)

Syntiac StudioFactory Virtual Audio Studio (Windows - Free)

activePDF PrimoPDF Printer Driver (Windows - Free)

SSL LMC-1 Listen Mic Compressor Effect Plug-In (Mac/Windows - Free)

For more of the latest music technology downloads, go to:

                             * * * * *

DFreqFINISH - It's All About the Music!

Over the years I've collected a fair amount of music technology products. I've got a decent home studio with a nice audio PC, some monitors (speakers), MIDI controller, a couple of MIDI keyboards, and even some outboard effects and synth gear. Plus, I've got a ton of software. I could probably cook up just about anything I wanted in terms of audio, but I think sometimes we forget that it's really about the music, not the toys.

So here's a reminder for you to take some time to reflect and step away from the toys for a while and just create. Take a little time to listen to what some of your fellow musicians are doing over in the Music section of DigiFreq:

And when you're ready and have your own stuff out there for the world to hear, submit it to us and we'll help you spread the word:

In the meantime, please keep spreading the word about DigiFreq. I really appreciate all your help and support!



DigiFreq(TM) is provided for informational purposes only. Any damage resulting from the use of the information herein is the sole responsibility of the reader.

Copyright 2006 by Scott R. Garrigus. All Rights Reserved.

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