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Scott R. Garrigus' DigiFreq(TM) - Downloads and Discussions
ISSN: 1531-6505; Issue 28
Music technology downloads, news, articles, reviews, tips and tutorials for home recording and professional musicians. Over 19,000 readers can't be wrong!

"Wow! All I have to say is I remember your site when you first started this and have watched it grow to what it is today. You have come a long way. And the site is so user friendly because there are so many good folks that post to the boards sharing all their help and great ideas. Your site is a goldmine!" - Lou Z.

DigiFreq Home Page: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/
New DigiFreq Forums: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/discuss/

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Scott's Notes - Downloads and Discussions

We've got an extra special issue for you with an emphasis on music software downloads. You'll find a nice, long list of new, free software downloads in the DFreqDOWNLOADS section below. This means that the articles and tips sections are missing this time, but they will be back in the next issue. We've also got some great new music product discount specials just for DigiFreq readers in the DFreqDEALS section. And I want to let the Mac users out there know that we'll be including more Mac stuff (like downloads) in future issues. The REALLY BIG news for this issue though is...

Yes, that's right! We have finally launched our brand-spankin' new discussion forums, and I think you'll agree that they turned out great. Long overdue, the new forums are a great new way for DigiFreq members to meet and discuss all kinds of musical topics. And of course, accessing the forums is free!

Registration in the forums is now required (but very easy to do), which provides a much nicer environment where everyone gets their own, permanent username and profile. This is totally separate from your newsletter subscription. In addition, new moderator features will keep the forums free of pests and troublemakers.

Not only that, but the forums are now divided into different categories for better organization and there are many other new features that make the forums more user-friendly. Some of these features include member profiles, e-mail notifications, sticky topics, emoticons, images, automatic links, and more.

You can find the main forums page here:

Once there, you can browse through all of the separate forums or just the ones in which you are interested. For those of you who like to have all new topics in all forums listed on one page, simply click on the All Active Topics List link at the top of the forums list. Or you can surf directly to this page:

Everyone can browse, but if you want to post, you'll need to register for a free account. Go to this page to register and create your new, permanent username and profile:

New features are being added to the forums on a regular basis and you can find site announcements and updates in the DigiFreq Announcements and Updates forum:

Now as if launching new forums wasn't enough, we will also be hosting the official forums for a number of music manufacturers on DigiFreq. Do we have any Groove Monkee and/or Smart Loops users in the house? If so, then drop by the DigiFreq Forums to get official support from these two manufacturers. We'll be adding more official manufacturer forums on a regular basis, and if you'd like to see someone added, just drop me an e-mail and make a suggestion.

Official Groove Monkee Forum:

Official Smart Loops Forum:

In addition, we will be running some special contests in the future, which will only be open to those that register in the new forums and participate there. So, come on in, register for your free membership, and join the fun today!

Thanks for your support! Enjoy the issue...


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DFreqCONTEST - Groove Monkee MIDI Loops Packages

We finally found our second Sonar 5 contest winner... congratulations to Courtney W. Here's what Courtney had to say about our contests: "No Kidding?? Wow! I think this is the first thing I have ever won in my life! And perfect timing. I just finished building my project studio over the garage and was getting prepared to upgrade from Sonar 2. I can't believe this. This is FANTASTIC! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

We also need to congratulate MJ Higgins and David P for winning the Sony ACID Pro 6 contest! (Winners are notified by e-mail). Here's what MJ had to say: "Funny thing is... when you posted the Acid Pro 6 contest, I thought to myself... gee, I've been a very long time member here and have never won... never really thought about winning, but if there was ever a time I'd like to win, it would be now!! WOW! I've never won anything like this before, ya... everyone says that, but it's true! What timing! Thanks again, Scott."

For the current contest, DigiFreq has teamed up with Groove Monkee to give away some of their cool MIDI Loop packages. There will be three lucky winners who will each walk away with a different MIDI Loop package! Details can be found on the DigiFreq Contest page.

For those of you that didn't win the ACID Pro 6 product, you can find more information and purchase a copy at:

Sony ACID Pro 6:

Sony ACID Pro 6 Upgrade:

Remember, you have to be a subscriber to be eligible, and as long as you remain a subscriber, you are automatically entered into each contest. For more information go to:

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DFreqDEALS - 10% off all Smart Loops and Groove Monkee Products!

Get 10% off all Smart Loops products

Get 10% off Smart Loops Live Studio Drums service!

Get 10% off all Groove Monkee products

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DFreqMUSIC - Frank Petruccelli, Orpheos, Zero To Ballistic, & more

Some of the latest music listings added to the DigiFreq site:

Music To Die For (Frank Petruccelli) - Soundtrack

Visual Music (Frank Petruccelli) - Soundtrack

Makin a Livin Fishin (J.S. Largemouth Weeden) - Blues

I Tell You Yes (Ralph T. Lofton, Jr.) - Gospel

PoP goes tHe underworld (Orpheos) - Electronic

Idiom (Zero To Ballistic) - Metal

Morbid Melodies (Frank Petruccelli) - Soundtrack

25 Years of Fears (Frank Petruccelli) - Soundtrack

Music From & Inspired by Kevin McCurdys Haunted Mansion (Frank Petruccelli) - Soundtrack

For more of the latest music listings, go to:

And if you're serious about your music, promote it by submitting it to DigiFreq today:

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DFreqREVIEWS - EZ Backup, Xpower, APC Back-UPS, FaceFilter

We don't have any new DigiFreq reviews for this issue, but we thought you might like to check out some of the reviews from our sister publication, NewTechReview:

Apricorn EZ Bus Portable Backup System

XPower Powerpack 300 Plus

APC Back-UPS RS 1500

Reallusion FaceFilter Studio

Adobe Creative Suite 2

For more of the latest music technology reviews, go to:

For more of the latest consumer technology reviews, go to:

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DFreqDISCUSS - ACID Pro 6, Cool Audio Gear, New Guitar

Some of the latest music technology discussions:

Welcome to the New DigiFreq Discussion Forums!

Sonar 5 Dream System


ACID Pro 6 feedback?

Favorite Sound Forge feature(s)?

Got a New Guitar!

Music Printing/Publishing

Cool Pieces of Audio Gear

To read up on other interesting topics, or to post and get answers to your own questions, go to:

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DFreqNEWS - Reason DVD, Recording DVD, Piano & Keyboard CD-ROM

Some of the latest music technology news:

Ask Video's Propellerhead Reason Tutorial DVD Released

Russ Long's Guide to Music Recording DVD Tutorial

Sony Media Software Unveils Cinescore Soundtracking

eMedia Intermediate Piano & Keyboard Method CD-ROM

Zero-G Total REX Sample Loop Collection

Sony Media Software's New Acid Pro 6 Now Available

VirtuosoWorks Free NOTION Demo Now Available

For more of the latest music technology news, go to:

Also, be sure to check out the latest consumer technology news at:

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DFreqARTICLES - Past Music Technology Articles

There are no new articles for this issue, but there are plenty of past articles to browse in the DigiFreq Articles web site area:


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DFreqTIPS - Past Music Technology Tips

There are no new tips for this issue, but there are plenty of past tips to browse in the DigiFreq Tips web site area:


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DFreqDOWNLOADS - Free Windows VST Effects Plug-Ins from GVST

Some of the latest music technology downloads:

GVST GSnap Pitch Correction Effect Plug-In (Windows - Free)

GVST GMulti Multi-Band Compressor Effect Plug-In (Windows - Free)

GVST GMax Maximizing Limiter Effect Plug-In (Windows - Free)

GVST GGrain Pitch Effect Plug-In (Windows - Free)

GVST GBand EQ Effect Plug-In (Windows - Free)

GVST GChorus Effect Plug-In (Windows - Free)

GVST GComp Compressor Effect Plug-In (Windows - Free)

GVST GDelay Digital Delay Effect Plug-In (Windows - Free)

GVST GDuckDly Digital Delay Effect Plug-In (Windows - Free)

GVST GRevDly Reverse Delay Effect Plug-In (Windows - Free)

For more of the latest music technology downloads, go to:

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DFreqFINISH - Promote Your Music Now!

The new Music service we announced in the last issue has been a great success so far. We've got a lot of submissions, some of which you've seen featured here in the DFreqMUSIC section of the newsletter. We're posting new submissions on a regular basis, but the more the merrier.

So here's a reminder for you to take a little time to listen to what some of your fellow musicians are doing over in the Music section of DigiFreq:

And when you're ready and have your own stuff out there for the world to hear, submit it to us and we'll help you spread the word:

In the meantime, please keep spreading the word about DigiFreq, and enjoy the new discussion forums!



DigiFreq(TM) is provided for informational purposes only. Any damage resulting from the use of the information herein is the sole responsibility of the reader.

Copyright 2006 by Scott R. Garrigus. All Rights Reserved.

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