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Scott R. Garrigus' DigiFreq(TM) - Autographed Books and Thanks

ISSN: 1531-6505; Issue 33
Music technology downloads, news, articles, reviews, tips and tutorials for home recording and professional musicians. Over 20,000 readers can't be wrong!

SPONSORED BY: Acon Digital Studio Clean - 10% off!
Studio Clean is a DirectX and VST compatible plug-in suite for use in host applications such as audio editing or processing software. It consists of four plug-ins for noise reduction and quality enhancements:

* StudioDenoiser is a plug-in for broadband noise reduction. Because the algorithm takes the perceptual properties of the human hearing into account it achieves a high level of noise reduction with a minimum of artifacts.
* StudioDeclicker contains two different algorithms. The actual click filter eliminates larger clicks and pops in the recording, while the crackle filter eliminates very frequent, but short clicks.
* StudioDeclipper restores recordings that suffer from analog or digital clipping.
* StudioRebirth adds synthesized high frequency harmonics to give life to old and dull sounding recordings.

Get the Studio Clean suite for 10% off! Go to: http://digifreq.com/?MusicDeals#Acon

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Scott's Notes - Autographed Books and Thanks

Hot on the heels of the Sweetwater DAW special issue, DigiFreq is now back to its regular format and have we got a lot of great content for you... In this issue, you'll find new articles (Editing Vocals, Song Structure, Compression/Limiting), new downloads (Vocal Remover, Rhyming Dictionary, Audio Generator), new announcements (SynthMaker, EarMaster Pro, IntelliScore, Liquid Trumpet), new discussions (Headphones, Amp Sim, Writing Music, Replacing Drums), new music listings (Country, New Age, Electronic, and Various). And of course, we've got a brand new contest underway. Enjoy!

In addition to all the great new content... For those of you that don't already know, DigiFreq has a Deals program that provides you with special discounts on a variety of music technology products from a number of different manufacturers. We just added a number of new manufacturers to the list:

* Acon Digital Media is specialized in the development of software within the field of audio and video editing.
* Groove 3 is the premier provider of in-depth, high quality training videos for the most popular DAW recording software titles available today.
* Precisionsound produces high quality multisampled instruments for music production & innovative sound effects and loops for the music/multimedia/movie industry.
* RealTraps manufactures and sells high performance acoustic treatment.
* Drums On Demand takes live drum track construction to a new level of simplicity, versatility and realism.

Through the DigiFreq Deals program, you can get 10% off any and all products offered by these manufacturers! See the Deals section later in this issue, or just visit the DigiFreq Deals page:

I have a limited number of Cakewalk, Sonar, and Sound Forge Power Books available that I am selling. These are the ONLY autographed copies available and they will be sold on a first come, first served basis. If you want a book, post a message (see below) including the book(s) you want and how many of each. I will then e-mail you. You can also contact me directly via e-mail, if you'd like to order any books. See the special forum topic.

You never know... these books could be very valuable someday.

For a list of the books that are available and for more information about how to order the books, visit the following topic in the DigiFreq Forums:

And finally, I just wanted to give a special thanks to all those who have posted nice reviews about my books over on Amazon.com. In no particular order they are: A. Schek, George Allaman, Dennis Ballinger, Joe McKay, Damon Heim, A. Robinson, Donald L. Cunningham, chunz, Michael Marshall, Robert H. Boettger, bigdeal13, Tom Boyles, Terry Zimmerman, Thomas Thompson, Russell Darensbourg, Henryk Chrostek, S. King, David A. Morehead, J. Rogers, L. Bewersdorf, Edward Mclaughlin, Anthony Shumaker, Hamdullah Tevfik Sonder, J. S. Foster, Bottomfeeder, BobM, Jmeyerhoffer, John Matlock, DH, N. Milton Cavender, John C. Adams, Mr. Moon, Greg Keenan, SteveJL, Skyline UK, Boogie, George J. Dagis, Steven Gotts, Mike Ferraro, wedge13, Paul Beaudoin, HarpDoc, Gene Cookmeyer, Peter De Legge, Tom Hinkle, Eugene Davis, John D., Larry W Parker, E.B. Hopkins, Musicman, POTS, GraBird, spacedye, skip mcintyre.

Please forgive me if I missed anyone... I did an extensive search and these were the names I found.

Thanks for being a part of DigiFreq and for all your support! Enjoy the issue...


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DFreqDEALS - 10% off Acon, Groove 3, Precisionsound, RealTraps, DOD

Get 10% off all Acon Digital products

Get 10% off Precisionsound

Get 10% off all Drums On Demand products

Find more great deals at:

* * * * *

DFreqMUSIC - Country, New Age, Electronic, and Various

Some of the latest music listings added to the DigiFreq site:

When I Fell in Love with You (Ronnie Bee's 4 Bit Band) - Country

The One Within (Ghost in the Machine) - Electronic

When the Wind is High (Gregory Cain) - New Age

Never Too Late (Courtney Walker) - Various Styles

And if you're serious about your music, promote it by submitting it
to DigiFreq today:

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DFreqNEWS - SynthMaker, EarMaster Pro, IntelliScore, Liquid Trumpet

Some of the latest music technology news:

RealTraps Announces New Portable Vocal Booth - Get 10% off!

Ueberschall Liquid Trumpet Ships

Autographed Power Books from Scott R. Garrigus

Smart Loops Releases SL Reference Kit Sample Set - Get 10% off!

Outsim Releases SynthMaker

IntelliScore Ensemble MP3 to MIDI, WAV to MIDI Converter

Groove Monkee Releases 8 MIDI Libraries For Reason - Get 10% off!

EastWest Releases Quantum Leap Pianos Virtual Instrument

eMedia Music EarMaster Pro

For more of the latest music technology news, go to:

Also, be sure to check out the latest consumer technology news at:

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DFreqREVIEWS - Past Music Technology Reviews

There are no new reviews for this issue, but there are plenty of past reviews to browse in the DigiFreq Reviews web site area:


Also, for some of the latest consumer technology reviews, go to:

* * * * *

DFreqDISCUSS - Headphones, Amp Sim, Writing Music, Replacing Drums

Some of the latest music technology discussions:

Welcome to the New DigiFreq Discussion Forums!

Soundforge FX vs. Sonar FX

Replace Audio Snare with MIDI Snare

Headphone Monitoring


Did the Pro Guitar Players take lessons?

Why Can't I Write Music?

Best Guitar Amp Sim Software?

Pro Studio Headphones

To read up on other interesting topics, or to post and get answers to your own questions, go to:

* * * * *

DFreqARTICLES - Editing Vocals, Song Structure, Compression/Limiting

Some of the latest music technology articles:

Creating and Editing Multitrack Background Vocals

Setup Suggestions for Audio Compression and Limiting

Creating a Stereo Mixdown in Pro Tools

Creating a Song Structure Using Sample Loops

Getting Rid of Problem Vocal Pops (Plosives)

How To Be A Positive Music Producer

The Sweetwater Creation Station DAW (Part 1)

The Sweetwater Creation Station DAW (Part 2)

For more of the latest music technology articles, go to:

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DFreqTIPS - Past Music Technology Tips

There are no new tips for this issue, but there are plenty of past tips to browse in the DigiFreq Tips web site area:


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DFreqDOWNLOADS - Vocal Remover, Rhyming Dictionary, Audio Generator

Some of the latest music technology downloads:

AnalogX Vocal Remover Utility (Windows - Free)

AnalogX Rhyming Dictionary Utility (Windows - Free)

SideKick Virtual SideChain Emulator VST Plug-In (Windows - Free)

discoDSP HighLife Sampler VSTi (Windows - Free)

Abakos Analog Subtractive Synth VSTi (Windows - Free)

Blue Cat Audio Freeware Plug-Ins Pack (Windows - Free)

VL1 Casio VL-Tone Emulator VSTi (Windows - Free)

NTI Virtual MR1 Analog Audio Generator (Mac/Windows - Free)

For more of the latest music technology downloads, go to:

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DFreqCONTEST - Native Instruments DVD Tutorials

Congratulations to Dennis M, Andy R, and Bruce B for winning the Smart Loops contest! (Winners are notified by e-mail).

For those of you that didn't win, you're missing out on some great loop content. I use Smart Loops myself and I think their products are great. Best of all, we were able to get a special 10% discount just for DigiFreq readers. Check it out on the DigiFreq Deals web page:

For the current contest, DigiFreq received a special donation from one of our members who had ended up with a few too many DVDs because of a Native Instruments promotion. Thanks to John R for providing us with some Native Instrument DVD Tutorials to give away. Three lucky winners will walk away with a variety of prizes! Details can be found on the DigiFreq Contest page.

Remember, you have to be a subscriber to be eligible for contests, and as long as you remain a subscriber, you are automatically entered into each contest. For more information go to:

PS. It also doesn't hurt to get a free account over at the DigiFreq Forums: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/discuss/

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DFreqFINISH - Your DigiFreq To Do List

These are a few things you should do to make your experience with visiting DigiFreq a productive, informative, and fun time!

1) Visit the Home page every day to stay up-to-date on all the latest DigiFreq updates and music technology news:

2) Visit the Forums every day to see what your fellow DigiFreq members are up to and participate in some of the cool music discussions:

3) If you haven't already, sign up for your free DigiFreq Forums account. We'll be having special contests just for Forum members in the near future and we'll even post a special announcement on your birthday, if you'd like:

4) Listen to some great independent music:

5) Submit your own music to be listed on DigiFreq:

6) Get great deals on all kinds of music technology products:

And finally, please keep spreading the word about DigiFreq!



DigiFreq(TM) is provided for informational purposes only. Any damage resulting from the use of the information herein is the sole responsibility of the reader.

Copyright 2007 by Scott R. Garrigus. All Rights Reserved.

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