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Scott R. Garrigus' DigiFreq(TM) - Cakewalk SONAR X2 Power ![]() ISSN: 1531-6505; Issue 45 - Subscribe Free! Music technology downloads, news, articles, reviews, tips and tutorials for home recording and pro musicians. Articles, Back Issues, Blog, Deals, Downloads, Forums, Music, News, Reviews, Tips, Videos SPONSORED BY: Groove Monkee MIDI Drum Loops - Buy One, Get One Free! ![]() Buy one loop library and get another one free! Just use this coupon code: bogo And visit the Groove Monkee website. But hurry because this offer ends July 31st, 2013. * * * * * SCOTT'S NOTES - Cakewalk SONAR X2 Power! Now Available ![]() SONAR X2 Power! Yes, the SONAR X2 Power! book is finally here. If you find yourself struggling with Cakewalk's latest incarnation of the SONAR music sequencing software or you want to learn some more advanced tips and techniques, you can now rest easy. SONAR X2 Power! will walk you through all of the new features and changes in SONAR X2. This time around Cakewalk has refined the workflow that was introduced in X1 and they've added a number of new features as well. SONAR X2 POWER! is an all-new edition. No matter what genre you're working in, or what part of the music/audio world you call home, you will benefit from the book's clear guidance and the wealth of production tips and shortcuts. New topics covered include: Take Lanes, Automation Lanes, Automation Modes, new Smart Tool operations in all the views, new clip functions in Track view, Piano Roll view editing and Controller lanes, new Snap to Grid features, R-MIX SONAR, FX Chains 2.0, new ProChannel features, ProChannel Console Emulator, ProChannel QuadCurve EQ, ProChannel Softube Knob, and much more. In addition, the SONAR X2a update and features added in the SONAR X1a, b, c, d, and Expanded updates are included in this new edition, so the book is completely up-to-date. You can find more information, a table of contents, a preview, and discount purchase links at: http://www.garrigus.com/powerbooks.asp. And for those of you who are continuing to use SONAR X1, my SONAR X1 Power! book is also still available. Thanks for all the 5-Star Amazon and Cakewalk Store Reviews I want to give a special thanks to all those who pre-ordered SONAR X2 Power! and have already posted nice reviews about the book up on Amazon and the Cakewalk Store. Thanks to: Jim Kashner, Herbert G. Roselle, David W. Ranck, Philip Buglass, Swedish Knife Man, Mike Moses, Gtrpstr, Lance Martin, Greg, Charles Gould, Mike McCafferty, Scot Clayton (SMCStudios.net), Joel Keen, David Jarvis, Marcus Curtis, John from the Sonar forum, Rcreesmusic, Adam L. Benson, Clinton Hoerner, Mojo "Gazza", Lee Faulkner, Paul Morgan, and Sir William. If I missed anyone, let me know. Thanks very much! I appreciate your support. And now I need even more nice reviews... pretty please? ![]() Thanks so much for reading DigiFreq! Now let's get this issue started... Enjoy! Share this issue: Facebook - Twitter - Google+ Scott -------------------------------------- Web: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/ RSS: http://www.digifreq.com/fpdb/DigiFreq.rss YouTube (Subscribe): http://www.youtube.com/user/ScottGarrigus Facebook (Like): http://www.facebook.com/ScottRGarrigus Twitter (Follow): http://www.twitter.com/garrigus Google+: https://plus.google.com/102848117616851107595/posts LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/garrigus * * * * * ![]() The European pop sensation known as Fiona (Miss 2.1) has released her latest single and accompanying music video, titled, "Up & Down," to rave critical and fan reviews. The song is a digitally composed, electronic dance music single that features the youthful verve and beautiful singing of Fiona (Miss 2.1). It is a romantic track with a carefree spirit and jubilant attitude, much like Fiona, herself. The single is the latest in a string of popular dance music singles from Fiona (Miss 2.1) that includes the powerhouse hits, "Lucky Night" and "Boy Toy." Check out this new music at: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/musicinfo.asp?ID=450 For more of the latest music listings, go to: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/music.asp And if you're serious about your music, promote it by submitting it to DigiFreq today: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/musicsubmit.asp * * * * * ![]() Written by Scott R. Garrigus - © 2013, Cengage Learning. Reprinted with Permission. This article is an excerpt from the following book: SONAR X2 Power!: The Comprehensive Guide Another very useful function of AudioSnap is lining up multiple tracks, such as when working with multitrack drums. Instead of stretching the audio, however, it can actually be better to just split all the tracks into multiple clips and then quantize the start times of the clips. That way you avoid all kinds of audio alignment problems. Here's an example of how to align multitrack drums with each instrument in the kit recorded on a separate track: 1. Select your reference track(s), which provide the timing on which the alignment will be based. In the case of drums, this will usually be the kick and snare tracks. 2. Choose Views > AudioSnap Palette (A) and click the Enable/Disable AudioSnap on Selected Clips button. 3. Adjust the Threshold and Resolution parameters in the Filter section of the Palette so that all the transients in the audio are accurately represented with markers. You may need to do some manual adjustment so that all the markers land right on the transients, but that’s usually not the case. 4. Right-click on the background of one of the reference tracks and choose Pool > Add Clip to Pool to add both tracks the AudioSnap Pool. 5. Choose Edit > Select > None (Ctrl+Shift+A) to remove the selections from the reference tracks. 6. Select all the tracks you want to align. 7. Right-click the background of one of the tracks and choose Split Clip(s) at AudioSnap Pool. This will divide all the clips in all the selected tracks at the transient markers that were placed in the Pool, creating new clips at every marker in every track. 8. With all the tracks still selected, click the Enable/Disable AudioSnap on Selected Clips button in the Audio-Snap Palette to disable AudioSnap. 9. Choose Process > Quantize (Q) to open the Quantize dialog box. I talked about how to use the Quantize function earlier in the chapter, although there are a couple of different things you need to do when quantizing split clips on multiple tracks. 10. Set the Resolution, Strength, Swing, Window, and Offset as previously explained (see the “Quantize” section earlier in this chapter). Then in the Change section, activate the Audio Clip Start Times option and deactivate all the other options. This will allow you to align all the start times of the clips in the tracks, and since each clip now represents a single drum hit, you are effectively aligning all the hits. 11. The only caveat of this method is that when you move the clips around, some of them will end up overlapping each other. This can cause noticeable pops and clicks in the audio. To prevent this from happening, activate the Auto XFade Audio Clips option. This option will automatically create crossfades between any overlapping clips, thus eliminating any of the possible problems. 12. Adjust the XFade and Max Gap parameters. These parameters determine the length of the crossfades and the maximum allowed gap between clips, respectively. I’ve found that setting the XFade parameter to 1ms and the Max Gap parameter to 80ms usually work best, but you may need to experiment with these settings. 13. Click OK. Your multiple tracks should now be quantized to the beat and nicely aligned without any kind of audio anomalies that can occur when stretching audio. For more information on AudioSnap as well as advanced audio and MIDI editing, check out chapter 7 in SONAR X2 Power! - http://www.garrigus.com/powerbooks.asp * * * * * ![]() Groove Monkee provides premium MIDI drum tracks in a wide variety of convenient formats: GM, GM multi-track, BFD, GURU, DFHS, DFH C&V, DFH 1 & 2, Groove Agent, Reason 2, Session Drummer and MIDI Groove Clip. Groove Monkee has provided custom content to Cakewalk, FXpansion, Linplug, Groovebox Music, Music Tech Magazine and other organizations. Buy one loop library and get another one free! Just use this coupon code: bogo And visit the Groove Monkee website. But hurry because this offer ends July 31st, 2013. Find more great deals at: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/deals.asp * * * * * ![]() Some of the latest music technology news: Precisionsound releases Gothenburg Reed Organ Sample Library - Get 10% off! http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/newsinfo.asp?NewsID=4348 Toontrack Music releases EZkeys Retro Electrics http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/newsinfo.asp?NewsID=4346 Acoustica 6 with Multitrack Editing and new Audio Restoration Tools - Get 10% off! http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/newsinfo.asp?NewsID=4345 Ohm Force Releases the Ohmicide Dubstep Session Pack - Get 10% off! http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/newsinfo.asp?NewsID=4344 eMedia Music to Expand the Guitar Lab DVD Series with Three New Titles for June 2013 http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/newsinfo.asp?NewsID=4343 Sound System Engineering, 4th Edition from Focal Press http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/newsinfo.asp?NewsID=4340 Blue Cat Audio Releases Blue Cat's Liny EQ 5.0 - Get 10% off! http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/newsinfo.asp?NewsID=4337 Musicrow Releases Analogica for NI Reaktor - Get 10% off! http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/newsinfo.asp?NewsID=4336 macProVideo releases Advanced Kontakt 5 Video Tutorial - Get 20% off! http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/newsinfo.asp?NewsID=4331 Acon Digital Restoration Suite Released - First Aid Kit for Noisy Recordings - Get 10% off! http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/newsinfo.asp?NewsID=4317 For more of the latest music technology news, go to: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/news.asp Also, be sure to check out the latest consumer technology news at: http://www.newtechreview.com/newtechreview/ * * * * * ![]() Some of the latest technology discussions: Mastering Audio http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/discuss/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=7799 MIDI Track Fade Out http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/discuss/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=7753 Audio Frequency Clash http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/discuss/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=7810 VOX Guitar Amp. Setup I Use http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/discuss/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=7651 To read up on other interesting topics, or to post and get answers to your own questions, go to: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/discuss/ * * * * * ![]() Even though the Duration menu in the Quantize dialog box is limited to 1/32nd notes, you can still quantize to smaller values by inputting a number of ticks into the Duration parameter. For example, if you're using the default 960 ticks per quarter note for the project clock value (set in Preferences), then just type in 60 for the Duration to quantize to 64th notes. See pages 147 to 149 in SONAR X2 Power! for more information about the Quantize function... http://www.garrigus.com/powerbooks.asp For more of the latest music technology tips, go to: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/tips.asp * * * * * ![]() ![]() The DreamStation soft synth simulates an analog modular synth. It provides three oscillator modules, an amplifier module, a filter module, an LFO (low frequency oscillator) module, an envelope module, vibrato and portamento features, and controls pertaining to synth output, such as volume and panning. Watch the video at: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/video.asp?ID=9 For more of the latest music technology videos, go to: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/videos.asp * * * * * ![]() Yes, I know... there are a lot of music and home recording forums available on the Internet, but the DigiFreq Forums are special. Not only am I there every day, we also have a dedicated group of people that are ready to answer your questions. Yes, I know... you probably already have a favorite forum at which to hang out on a regular basis, but the DigiFreq Forums are special. They are open, friendly, and free of junk or troublemakers. Suffice it to say... if you're reading the DigiFreq newsletter, but not visiting the Forums, then you are missing out on a big part of the services that DigiFreq provides for you. Go to the forums today and register for your free account: Register at: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/discuss/policy.asp Main Forums page: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/discuss/ Come on over to hang out, make new friends, and share your thoughts... and of course, get answers to any questions you may have. Thanks and I'll see you there! Share this issue: Facebook - Twitter - Google+ Scott -------------------------------------- Web: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/ RSS: http://www.digifreq.com/fpdb/DigiFreq.rss YouTube (Subscribe): http://www.youtube.com/user/ScottGarrigus Facebook (Like): http://www.facebook.com/ScottRGarrigus Twitter (Follow): http://www.twitter.com/garrigus Google+: https://plus.google.com/102848117616851107595/posts LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/garrigus -------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER DigiFreq(TM) is provided for informational purposes only. Any damage resulting from the use of the information herein is the sole responsibility of the reader. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2013 by Scott R. Garrigus. All Rights Reserved. Please tell your friends about DigiFreq. 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