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Strictly A Class

Artist/Band: Moss
Category/Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap
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Listen to: Strictly A Class (Moss)

A new style of urban hip hop with a smooth flow, and inspiring lyrics over rhythmically charged beats all brought together by intensely catchy hooks.

Moss points at the greats such as Tha Liks, Kid Rock, L.L Cool J, Limp Bizkit, Bad Boy, P.O.D, Linkin Park and DRE as his inspiration, but also feels that anyone who does what they set out to do, inspires him.

Ready to take on the world with his skill, style, looks and elegance. Moss is an artist to look out for. His smooth style and sexy party lyrics matched with west coast Hip Hop/ R&B beats makes "Strictly A Class" an album on the way to the top.

A review from CDBaby.com...

Reviewer: tha prince
stressed? lay back and lysten. reminiscin? lay back and lysten. this album is a perfect mix of hip hop music and style, with incredible production, and inflection. i rate it a 4.7 in its category. right there with the top. its like a snoop dogg (death-row-era) mixed with the feel-good nature of an older l.l. cool j or fresh prince/jazzy jeff album. songs like bronx tale, summer time jam, and italian love, get u in the mood, wishing for those cool summer nights chillin with tha fam at tha park, music bumpin out the trunks, with all them fine a$$ femalez passin bye givin looks....okay, im gettin carried away, but 4 real...this is a definite banger...lookin foreward to more albums.

Listen to: Strictly A Class (Moss)
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