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A Cold Breath of What It Takes

Artist/Band: SYX
Category/Genre: Metal
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Listen to: A Cold Breath of What It Takes (SYX)

With the release of their 2nd album, A Cold Breath Of What It Takes, SYX forges ahead honing their sound and perfecting their mix of hardcore rock with tastefully chosen and executed effectual samples alongside walls of crunching guitars, that result in a compelling sound which follows suit to the likes of KORN and Mudvayne.

Formed in Portland, Oregon in the Fall of 2000, SYX have proven themselves as one of the leading acts to come from the area. Originally focusing on a sound born more out of punk and metal, the group began their experimental techniques with their first album Underneath The Surface, which demonstrated their natural affinity for creating a brutal yet heartfelt sound that has pleased fans at their live shows around the northwest for the past few years.

A Cold Breath Of What It Takes pushes the envelope even farther with a greater focus on melodies and dynamics of vocals that come across brilliantly in songs like NALU, A Letter To Divide, and Amendments To A Sick Art. The records' rabid fluidity is also partially due to the production talents of Brian Lehfeldt (Everclear, TV:616) whom spared no effort in bringing out the best in this band.

A review from CDBaby.com...

Reviewer: Tamara Turner, CD Baby
It doesn't get much better than this- alternative metal that will completely and totally knock you off balance, leaving you with only their rock solid hooks to hang on to. Sporting Mudvayne, Tool, Nothingface, Slipknot, Korn, Linkin Park, Cold Trapt and System of a Down in their tool box of influences, they construct a sound that can be described as no less than epic, shattering, raw and emotionally explosive. But lest you think a crashing sound like theirs equals clumsy songwriting, these guys, straight off the bat, kick off the album with tight, powerful songcraft to deliver their sheer emotional frenzy. Music that literally roars.

Listen to: A Cold Breath of What It Takes (SYX)
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