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Rivers of Stone

Artist/Band: Jade Redd
Category/Genre: New Age
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Listen to: Rivers of Stone (Jade Redd)

Imagine a cross between Enya and Evanescence. Lush vocals, haunting melodies, and provocative lyrics that dance on the edge of the sensual and the sacred.

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Reviewer: K L Manwell
There is a darkness to Jade Redd's style that, rather than being born of negitivity, is soothing, seductive, and - almost - nurturing. Many of the tracks expound on the dark and shifting shadows not only found in nature but in our own souls. Three songs diverge from this, in my opinion: "Hidden From the Rain" which, though pretty, doesn't affect me nearly as strongly as "Into the Night," "The Siren," or "The Tower"; "One More Dance" is perhaps my least favorite as it is the most literal and rather pop-ish in its message and melody; "Mary Was Gone" stands out as my absolute FAVORITE on this album perhaps because it points out the dangers of blindly following religious dogmas. Despite contianing two tracks ("One More Dance" and "Hidden From the Rain") that I don't really care for, it's an EXCELLENT album and I strongly recommend it if you're looking for something with dark, sensual, and mesmerizing overtones.

Reviewer: Leigh Crutchfield
Jade Redd's "Rivers Of Stone" is a "must have" CD to add to your sonic library. Each and every original selection is a beautiful masterpiece of shimmering ,intense, yet calming melodies surrounding Madalena's soaringly expressive vocals. I'm also reminded of Loreena McKennitt and Madonna while listening to her , as well as Enya and Evanescence. The thoughtful and precise composition, production and instrumentation of James Briggs and Jay Ferguson continues to shine gently through all of the wonderful segments, just like the late afternoon sun beams rainbows through an exquisite clear glass wind chime. The lush and colorful photography of the jewel case artwork matches the tone and theme of Jade Redd perfectly. This is one CD that is both a pleasure to listen to and also to dreamily gaze at. Pour a glass of your favorite beverage, light some candles, lean back on plush satin pillows and relax....feel yourself softly drifting away down the rivers of stone....and completely enjoying the Jade Redd journey....wherever it may take you.

Listen to: Rivers of Stone (Jade Redd)
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