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Regent Kingfish Slumberpad

Artist/Band: Western Civ
Category/Genre: Rock
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Listen to: Regent Kingfish Slumberpad (Western Civ)

This disc’s sound spectrum travels from the moody guitar rock of “Stingray Blanket,” to the crazy guitar workout of “There’s No 'I' in Team,” which comes off a little bit like undisciplined Devo in some of its sections. There’s plenty of guitar feedback in various places during this six-song EP, by the way, such as during “Engine #3".

This band may be from Alabama, but there isn’t even a hint of Southern rock here. Western Civ takes traditional rock instruments and creates experimental workouts with them. It might not always come out sounding civilized, but this CD is a winner -- in a strange, Pavement kind of way. -- Dan MacIntosh, Indie-Music.com

In one sentence:

A Bittersweet neoslack cacophony.
          --Rich Henderson, Western Civ

Better than bacon.
          --Jason Briggs, Western Civ

An arrantly designed sonic mistake waiting, but willing, to happen.
          --Jason Hall, Western Civ

At the confluence of noise and melody, and at the intersection of minimalism and refinement, there exists a bizarre and tenuous balance, across which Western Civ teeters precariously on a unicycle with a
busted-but-functional wheel.
         --Bryan Cabler, Western Civ

Listen to: Regent Kingfish Slumberpad (Western Civ)
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