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Space Elevator

Artist/Band: Inquisitor Betrayer
Category/Genre: Electronic
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Listen to: Space Elevator (Inquisitor Betrayer) @ CDBaby

Symphonic Electronica Inquisitor Betrayer's style grows out of the tradition of classical orchestral music and features synthesized orchestration. It often features melodies and harmonies that are neo-romantic in style.

Beginning in the late 60s legendary German band Tangerine Dream started forging a previously unheard world of otherworldly music and sound realized in large part through the use of Bob Moog's newly invented electronic synthesizer. Later, French composer Jean Michel Jarre created scintillating worlds of impossible rhythms and catchy melodies that found instant appeal. Meanwhile, American master synthesis Larry Fast proved that the new technology was equally at home in hard driving rock arrangements as well as in creating many-layered orchestral tour de forces ...and all points in between.

As they were growing up, synth wizard and electronic engineer Dale Kay and multi-instrumentalist Wes Antczak were listening and taking inspiration. They spent their formative years learning their craft and building studios of their own, as well as working with or playing with various bands versed in numerous styles, and honing their production skills. In the new millennium they join forces as Inquisitor Betrayer to explore the vision that first set them on the musical path. You are invited to join in the journey beyond the source.

Review from CDBaby:
Reviewer: Jerome Salyers
IB have done a superb job of bringing their style into play with their influences. The production of the CD is brilliant and their use of instrumentation is right on the money. If you like Tangerine Dream, you'll love this; there are dozens of references and shadows of all phases of TD in here. Every time I listen, I hear more and more and love it more and more. And most importantly imo, it approaches emusic from a composition style, leaving behind the simple ambient and repetative sequencer based tracks which litter the genre, and lead today's vanguard of interesting, thoughtful and all together enjoyable emusic.

Listen to: Space Elevator (Inquisitor Betrayer) @ CDBaby
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