Listen to: Songs to Swear By (Johnny Philko)
Down home rock and roll, and a sound and lyric that will remind you of a different time. Some refer to them as baby boomers, but frankly this foursome hands us a well thought out political album in an attempt to express their feelings, and the feelings of many others who are not for the war, or Bush, for that matter.
You can go to the bands website and find descriptions of each song, where they come from and much more researched links that will educate any new fan about the political views and feelings behind this band. I listen to the music and lyrics and I found a new appreciation. Even though some will listen to this and by the style be reminded of the war protest songs of the Vietnam era, but this time we have plenty of our own issues to protest against, and Johnny Philko has brought those issues out in song.
The members of this band, obviously close friends, are driving for the same goal. If you are unsure what that is, visit their website and find out. While you are at it, buy the CD at one of the many locations available and really experience the old-time rock and roll with a deliberate edge and desire to do what they are doing. Oh, and while you are visiting their site, check out their music videos. You thought just hearing the music makes an impact? Wait till you see this stuff!
Review from CDBaby:
Reviewer: david james baird
Bookmark this band if you haven't heard them before. The Johnny Philko sound is growing. Mix a bit of pop,rock,country and you have a highly accessible sound. My favorites are Waco ( excellently-penned lyrics about the brutal seige), the haunting ballad Ruby Ridge which is the obvious single from the album,and What About Me?(Mr President)... a powerful and moving song about the impoverished underbelly of affluent American society. Philko don't sledge-hammer you with their peace and poverty message. Their lyrics are subtle and cleverly crafted. Mike Kinkead is on guitars and vocals, Kris Kinkead on vocals, John Hopkins (drums and vocals) and Jim Quillen Jr(Bass and Vocals). Philko are a tight unit - totally professional and committed to making music which reaches out to a wide audience. I suggest you Follow Johnny Philko.
Listen to: Songs to Swear By (Johnny Philko) |