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Break Free

Artist/Band: Jhonny K
Category/Genre: Various Styles
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Listen to: Break Free (Jhonny K)

Hello to everyone and thank you for checking out my music!! I have been doing music in one form or another my whole life. I started with drums and trumpet through grade, middle, and high school. I grew up with four girls so I thought that any guy who sang was a girly girl type guy and I am for sure not a girly girl guy, so I didn't want to have any part of it. It was in high school that I realized that AC/DC, Collective Soul, Led Zeppelin, Creed, CCR, Jimi Hendrix and many others were guys and were manly men. So I gave in to the ways of singing. Not to mention the fact that the ladies seem to like it!

I started writing music and lyrics in 2000. I admit that I was not very good, but I didn't really care all that much. At first, I just wrote to vent my feelings of good and bad things. After seeing the effect that music had on me personally, and seeing my loved ones and friends go through hell and back, I became determined to write music that would display my support for them. I wanted to find a balance between good upbeat music, that wasn't corny and weird. I have the ability to see very quickly people's self afflicted chains that hold them down. The whole purpose of my music is to provide through melody and word the direction and ability that we have as people, to cast off the chains that hold us down, whether its greed, lack of self confidence, an addiction to chocolate cake, (thats me), drug abuse, child abuse, family agony, social rules, culture beliefs, whatever it is, it is my goal to help people break free of the chains that hold them down, so that they can become and do everything that they have dreamed of their whole lives.

Listen to: Break Free (Jhonny K)
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