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Artist/Band: Tom&Co
Category/Genre: Various Styles
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Listen to: Seasons (Tom&Co)

Creative contemporary instrumental music that is fun for your feet, sonically surprising, and bodacious when your brain wants some Christmas or Easter music.

Tom&Co began life in the 90's, and has performed over 60 times a year since. Tom&Co is the praise band for Vineville North Baptist - but this stuff is DEFINITELY not your typical church music! A bit of jazz here, some soulful sax there, some kickin' grooves over yonder, tons of creativity - and you've got a duke's mixture of styles that will keep your toes tappin'.

Stylistically you'll hear everything from new-age jazz piano to straight-ahead rock to Spyrogyra-inspired arrangements of Christmas tunes - and even a touch of Danny Davis and the Nashville Brass (yes, it was a deliberate tribute). The album is titled Seasons because half the tunes are from Christmas, the other half from Easter.

Dr. Mike, of RadioIoJazz, said of tom&co: "You guys are terrific... I chuckled with Holy, Holy, Holy... and This is my Father's Jungle... but it is seriously good... I always knew this is what God had in mind when he gave us this incredible talent to praise Him... and the Master of Creativity splashed you with a little of His creative electricity!.. Go Brother!...Tell the rest of the band that I dug it and worshipped with you at the same time!"

Listen to: Seasons (Tom&Co)
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