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The Twisted Tale Of The Honky Tonk Monkey

Artist/Band: RS Cain
Category/Genre: Various Styles
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Listen to: The Twisted Tale Of The Honky Tonk Monkey (RS Cain)

The second solo CD from RS Cain. 16 songs in a variety of styles; Blues, Rock, Pop, Country, and more.

I'm a guitarist, singer, and songwriter from central Kentucky. My music is a mix of many different influences; from the country and western I heard as a child to some stuff I heard yesterday.

I was a full time, working musician for over twenty years; doing clubs and concerts all over the eastern U.S., but mainly in Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, Ohio, and Florida. I have played every kind of venue; from the smallest, seediest club to 10,000 seat concert halls. Loved every minute of it. I also spent many hours in various studios as both musician and producer on a variety of projects. I am now a part time musician; I play in several different bands including "Death Row Bodine" , my primary live band.

CD Baby Review:
author: Artificial Earth(Jim Rustemeyer)
"Mr. Cain is more than just a great songwriter, much more than that. His music will entertain you, and continue to entertain you long after you've bought this fine CD. He writes songs you'll want to hear over and over again. Peace, Jim"

CD Baby Review:
author: mark cloutier
"been listening to bob cain's music for some time--his music is diverse in stylings and the musical arrangements are fantastic!!! the man can pick a heckuva six string and belt it out with a ton of soul--rock n roll,blues,country,jazz,etc----hell i would buy it for "honkey tonk monkey" alone--its a collection of superb music--great songs-great fun--a must buy!! also, bob is a very talented music dj on nexus radio---so tune in it's a blast !!!"

Listen to: The Twisted Tale Of The Honky Tonk Monkey (RS Cain)
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