Listen to: Audnoyz Project Vol 2 (Audnoyz) @ iTunes
The German phrase “Kopf Kino” translates in English to Mind Cinema. ‘It’s an aural journey for the inner eye.’ The Audnoyz aesthetic provides an accessible, rich, rhythm driven, mind/body experience with highly sophisticated and occasionally startling sonic and arranging treats for the discerning listener.
Here international elements are fused in new ways with European, American and Indian pop, classic triadic rock chords, latin rhythms, all the new techno and digital tools, brought together by a master musician grounded in jazz, deep theory, and multiple pop and dance influences. It's all here, and yet none of it is derivative.
The real news here is that jazz, classical, pop dance, and esoteric lyrics can all be brought together in a form that is accessible, without being dumbed down. Deeply woven into the rhythmic and harmonic fabric is an intriguing treatment of lyrics and the human voice and live instruments.
Electroganica 1: multi-referential stylistically, quintessential tracks seamlessly integrated from acoustic & electronic instruments, voice, non & recognizable vinal sources, machines, and the disruptive / cohesive element of noise; 2: The music production aesthetic of Audnoyz.
Listen to: Audnoyz Project Vol 2 (Audnoyz) @ iTunes |