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Old Lions

Artist/Band: Anubis Spire
Category/Genre: Rock
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Listen to: Old Lions (Anubis Spire) @ CDBaby

Anubis Spire is a guitar-heavy post progressive-rock/world fusion band with a decidedly Middle-Eastern flavor. Formed New Years day 1998 after a chance jam session the night before, the group is made up of musical veterans who wanted to write and play music in the mid-seventies style of such bands as Led Zeppelin, Mahavishnu Orchestra, etc.. From the beginning, they set about melding their various influences, adding a heavy dose of world and ethnic sounds and a few new twists to the mix.

The debut CD-"Old Lions (in the world of snarling sheep)" was recorded in a barn, on an antiquated 8 track almost entirely LIVE! What does Anubis Spire sound like? One reviewer summed them up as: "Progressive rock from Mars, filtered through Atlantis, India and ancient Egypt and sounding kinda like a fistfight between Jimi Hendrix and John McLaughlin at the base of the great pyramid!

"Old Lions (in the world of snarling sheep)" is a mostly instrumental album (4 vocal tunes, with lyrics that range from the heartlessness of small towns to a song about flying saucers!) that packs over 60 minutes of intense guitar-heavy progressive rock/world fusion improvisation into it's 15 cuts.

Often dark and hypnotic, Anubis Spire states: We're not for everyone...but, if you're one of us, you'll KNOW.

Listen to: Old Lions (Anubis Spire) @ CDBaby
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