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Play Piano in a Flash! Play Your Favorite Songs Like a Pro -- Whether You've Had Lessons or Not!
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Have you ever wished you could play the piano? Well, now you can! Scott "The Piano Guy" Houston teaches you to play the way the pros play, in a style enormously simpler than traditional classical piano and with an absolute minimum of note-reading. By focusing on playing the melody with the right hand (one note at a time) and simple chords with the left hand, Houston gives you the tools you need for a lifetime of musical enjoyment. Best of all, your tour guide to this adventure forces you to have fun along the way!

Excerpted from Play Piano in a Flash! by Scott The Piano Guy Houston

Here is some good, and equally true, news. If you want to learn how to play non-classical popular style piano, you simply need to learn a basic set of rules and techniques and you can start sounding fairly hip right away (as in hours or days, not years). Will you want to keep learning and playing and otherwise keep getting better for the next 5 to 10 years? YES! But, you'll be having the time of your life on the way there. Why? Because you'll be playing instead of practicing.

Now I'm sure you're saying to yourself, "Sounds great, Scott, but how can it be that easy to teach?" Well, the reason playing non-classical piano is so much easier to teach someone is that it removes the "A-Number-1 Top-of-the-List" reason that most people never learn to play classical piano at any level of proficiency. That, my friends, is notation reading.

You know, getting your hands around a piano is a relatively simple thing to do compared to most other instruments. It's all target practice! Seriously, as long as you get your finger over the right note at the right time, you are good to go. You can't control if the piano is in or out of tune. You don't have to worry about taking a deep enough breath. Pianists don't have to worry about getting their mouths in some correctly contorted position (known as an embouchure) like horn players. Think about poor brass players who's lips get all swollen and puffy and hurt like crazy when they play high notes. Or how about oboe players who must be (at least I know I would be·) concerned about their brains squeezing out their ears when they play. Or how about any of you who have had sons or daughters start out on a reed instrument like a clarinet or saxophone. I mean, a better goose call has yet to be invented than the first week of a reed players musical life.

In exchange for the extremely difficult task of dealing with a tough instrument, everyone else gets totally bailed out when it comes to note reading. With just a few exceptions (like string players every now and then) all they ever have to read is one note at a time and only in one clef! Must be nice! Think about traditional piano music; multiple notes at one time, in two clefs (which are different), with two hands. It's a brain buster for sure!

For more information: Play Piano in a Flash!
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