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SRG Sites > DigiFreq > News > Alpha Publishes The Complete Idiot's Guide to Music Theory
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Alpha Publishes The Complete Idiot's Guide to Music Theory
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You're no idiot, of course. You have a passion for making beautiful music. But when it comes to understanding technical stuff such as chords and scales, you could definitely use a tune-up.

Don't miss a beat! The Complete Idiot's Guide to Music Theory will help you understand music notation and harmony, make your own musical arrangements, and more. In this Complete Idiot's Guide, you get:

* Sound strategies for understanding key signatures and scales
* An idiot-proof introduction to time signatures
* A comprehensive chord reference that shows you how to build virtually any type of chord - in any key.
* Tuneful techniques for adding chords to your melodies and writing melodies to your chords.
* Musical exercises at the end of each chapter to help you progress.

Some other specific things you will learn from this book:

* Master major and minor scales.
* Use common chord progressions.
* Add a bass line to an existing melody or chord progression.
* Put tones and rhythms together to create melodies.
* Jazz up a song with different chords.
* Transpose melodies to other keys.
* Construct an orchestral or vocal score.
* Develop a 'lead sheet' that can be used by other musicians.
* Transcribe music you hear on the radio.
* Count out different rhythms.
* Interpret traditional Italian musical terms.

For more information: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Music Theory
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