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SRG Sites > DigiFreq > News > How to Convert Records and Tapes to CD - A Blaze Audio DVD Tutorial
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How to Convert Records and Tapes to CD - A Blaze Audio DVD Tutorial
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Do you have valued records and tapes that you would like to preserve? Converting them to CDs is easy and inexpensive - if you know how!

We have a solution. Director Alan Jeffries has created a video, based on our excellent online tutorial on converting tapes and records into CDs, that gives full details and step by step instructions. It covers connections, proper recording, editing, removing pops and clicks, burning the final CD, and even adds sections on using the XP201 preamp and Maya EX5. There is no easier way to learn how to preserve your precious LPs and tapes!

* Preserve your precious LPs and tapes!
* Convert to CD &enjoy forever
* Detailed step-by-step instructions
* Covers connections, proper recording,& editing
* Information on removing pops and clicks, & burning to CD

* Step 1: Making Connections
* Step 2: Using the XP201 Phono Preamp
* Step 3: Plugging Into the Soundcard
* Step 4: Setting Levels
* Step 5: Making the Recording
* Step 6: Splitting Into Separate Songs
* Step 7: Editing and Cleaning Up the Recording
* Step 8: Normalizing Volumes
* Step 9: Burning the CD

For more information: How to Convert Records and Tapes to CD - DVD Tutorial
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