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SRG Sites > DigiFreq > News > MakeMusic Finale 2006 - Powerful Upgrade to Finale Music Notation Software
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MakeMusic Finale 2006 - Powerful Upgrade to Finale Music Notation Software
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MakeMusic(R) Inc. announced the release of Finale(R) 2006, music notation software for Macintosh(R) and Windows(R) computers. Finale, the world's premiere notation software, sets a new standard with powerful new features designed to enhance how musicians compose, arrange, notate and teach music on a personal computer. Users of Finale 2006 will experience:

* Dramatically improved music playback.
Thanks to partnerships with other leading companies, Finale 2006 includes a built-in Kontakt(R) Player from Native Instruments(R) (experts in VST and AU technology) and the Garritan Personal Orchestra(R) Finale Edition, which features more than 100 studio-quality instrument sounds.

* Breakthrough tools for teaching and learning music composition.
Finale 2006 advances music education with the revolutionary new Studio View(TM). By integrating key sequencer tools into each music staff, users can teach music composition and arranging using standard music notation rather than complex computer symbols. This unique combination of professional notation and sequencer features is paired with a powerful mixer for real-time control of volume, panning, patch, mute solo, and record. As a result, Finale 2006 provides a comprehensive environment for multi-track music creation.

* Professional controls for absolute creative freedom.
Robust features like TempoTap(TM) allow users to control the nuances of rubati, accelerandi, and ritardandi with the tap of a finger. These fine distinctions are captured in real time, while Finale plays the music, and automatically recorded for future performances. Tools such as Engraver Copy and Paste make professional-level editing easy. One dialog box controls all aspects of cut and paste (even between documents). Personal settings are automatically saved.

"Finale 2006 represents a revolution in the way students will learn composition and arranging," stated John Paulson, MakeMusic President. "Its intuitive new controls, notation-based interface, and Garritan sounds provide an ideal platform for the creation, evaluation, and perfection of songs, arrangements, and compositions - for composers at all levels of experience."

Finale 2006 expands the musical possibilities even further with an array of tools and features: Mid-Measure Repeats, Split Measures, Create Coda Systems, Chord Analysis, Resize Noteheads Automatically, Handbells Used Charts, support for a wide variety of Native Instrument VST/AU players, Textured Paper, Embedded Graphics, Music XML Import and Export (for Windows and Macintosh), Auto Slur Melismas, Score System Divider, Enhanced Human Playback(TM), Embedded Fonts in Mac EPS files, Smart Shape Libraries, Auto Resize When Printing, Orff Instruments in Setup Wizard, Auto Insert Copyright Symbol, New Key Signature Context Menu, Composite Library Files, Mass Edit Context menu, and much more.

For more information: MakeMusic Finale 2006
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