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eMedia Music USB Learn to Play Keyboard Pack Released
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eMedia Music Corp., publisher of the world's best-selling and award-winning series of music instruction CD-ROMs, announces a new USB version of its eMedia Learn to Play Keyboard Pack. This new USB version is more affordable (suggested retail price of $149.95) and makes installation easy - just plug it in and the drivers will automatically install from the included CD-ROM. Everything needed to learn to play keyboard interactively with your computer as the teacher is included in the box. It's an ideal affordable solution for anyone who has thought about learning piano or keyboard or wants their children to learn but can not afford the high cost of a piano and private lessons. The package includes a MIDI keyboard, the eMedia Piano & Keyboard Method CD-ROM and a USB cable (through which the keyboard is connected and powered). The compact size of the keyboard makes it ideal for use on a computer desk.

The core of the eMedia Learn to Play Keyboard Pack is the eMedia Piano and Keyboard Method CD-ROM which is the first software piano or keyboard method that truly teaches all the basic concepts from the very beginning and gradually leads you ahead step-by-step. Over 300 step-by-step lessons start from basics such as hand position, rhythm and playing on black keys, and move on to music notation, sight reading, scales and more. Piano teacher Irma Irene Justicia, M.A., who has taught at the renowned Juilliard School of Music, guides you with over 70 video demonstrations of techniques.

Music News hailed Piano and Keyboard Method as "Simply Amazing" and PC Magazine awarded it a 4 = star ranking.

Learn songs and exercises from either the music notation or an animated keyboard that displays fingerings in-time with the music. Songs and exercises are enhanced by live recorded audio, variable-speed MIDI keyboard tracks and colorful MIDI accompaniments. You will learn from over 100 popular classical, blues, pop and rock songs, including hit songs from artists such as Billy Joel, Bob Dylan and Elton John!

Interactive review and ear training screens help reinforce new concepts and develop your ear. With the MIDI keyboard, you will get specific feedback on playing mistakes, including wrong notes and rhythms so that you can play better faster. Other accessories include a built-in digital metronome and one-track recorder.

eMedia Music is acknowledged to be the leader in music education software with educational endorsements including "Top 50 CD-ROM for school and after school" from Newsweek, a #1 educational software ranking in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the 2002 Teacher's Choice award from Learning Magazine, and many others.

The new eMedia USB Learn to Play Keyboard Pack is available at computer and music retail stores nationwide starting in September of 2005 with a suggested retail price of $149.95.

For more information: eMedia Music USB Learn to Play Keyboard Pack
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