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Adams Media The Everything Reading Music Book Released
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Adams Media Corporation, a division of F+W Publications, publishers of the popular "Everything" book series, announces The Everything Reading Music Book by music and technology author Marc Schonbrun.

Many of the music theory books on the market are geared toward the advanced student and fill a need for colleges and universities as standard textbooks. For the beginning or intermediate student, these books simply presuppose too much knowledge. Perfect for the beginner or the seasoned musician who wants to brush up on the skills and techniques to understanding music, The Everything Reading Music Book takes the mystery out of how written music works, how music is created and why you should love it.

"Many students starting out as music readers get overwhelmed and 'Theory' becomes a 'Dirty' word," said Schonbrun. "My goal was to write a book to bridge the gap from basic knowledge to advanced understanding of music in a clear and logical way."

In this informative 285 page paperback, accomplished musician-teacher Marc Schonbrun guides you through the basics of reading music, rhythm, and music theory in a casual writing style that helps demystify complex musical concepts. After reading this book, you will understand how to read notes, meter, time and key signatures as well as understand chords, harmony, musical symbols and transposition. The addition of an audio CD makes the book come to life and the examples will strengthen the reader's skills.

Schonbrun adds; "The thing I like about the book is that it isn't tied to 'Classical' music. It's a book about music in all its forms. While classical common practice dictates much of music education, it isn't the only way to look at it. With that in mind, I set the book up for anyone who loves music, no matter what instrument they play."

Peppered with sidebars called "E Facts", short factoids and tips related to the musical discussions, and its accompanying CD, The Everything Reading Music Book is a valuable resource that provides the information needed to comprehend and appreciate music.

For more information: The Everything Reading Music Book
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