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Cakewalk SONAR 5 Producer Edition - the Definitive Audio Production Environment
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Cakewalk, developer of the best-selling music and sound software for Windows, announces the release of SONAR 5 Producer Edition, the definitive Digital Audio Workstation for Windows. SONAR 5 shatters the limitations found in ordinary digital audio workstations by utilizing a true 64-bit end-to-end signal path on native x64 systems and 32-bit systems. SONAR 5’s 64-bit double precision floating point engine ensures a level of sonic integrity that is simply not possible with 32-bit floating point applications. In addition, SONAR 5 introduces groundbreaking advances in RAM and native processing power on Intel EM64T and AMD64 based systems running Windows XP x64 Edition.

Version 5 adds an inspired collection of responsive instruments and processors, workspace enhancements, Perfect Space™ Convolution Reverb, RXP REX Player groove box, seamless VST integration, and powerful editing tools including Roland® V-Vocal™ VariPhrase technology. And SONAR 5 not only provides tools for creative results, but integrates them in a cutting edge engineering and mixing environment.

“Our goal in developing SONAR 5 Producer Edition was to strike a perfect balance for both engineers and musicians, continuing Cakewalk’s reputation of providing feature rich products that retain their elegance in ease of use,” commented Greg Hendershott, Cakewalk Founder and CEO. “To satisfy the musician inside, we added a spectrum of creative technologies, workflow enhancements, and responsive instruments. And to give tracks the edge in production, we added powerful vocal editing technologies, a pristine convolution reverb, and groundbreaking sonic improvements like SONAR’s 64-bit double precision engine. With all these features and more, I feel confident that this release will exceed expectations, as it has mine.”

New Standards in Digital Mixing
* Double Precision — SONAR 5’s 64-bit double precision floating point engine utilizes a true 64-bit end-to-end signal path, delivering dramatic increases in dynamic range and audio fidelity —breaking through plug-in accuracy and summing bus limitations found in 32-bit floating point applications. This significant enhancement is not limited to the native x64 version of SONAR, and is easily accessible from the 32-bit version through a simple mouse click in the Audio/Options dialog.
* BitBridge — a primary barrier to making the leap to the 64-bit environment has been the lack of plug-ins available. SONAR 5’s BitBridge™ sweeps aside any resistance by enabling the use of 32-bit VST effects and instruments in SONAR’s 64-bit environment. BitBridge technology extends the viability and use of your favorite VST plug-ins; ensures future compatible of freeware, even for the most obscure, independently developed shareware plug-ins.
* Bus & Synth Waveform Preview — get priceless visual feedback while you mix, and before you mixdown. Quickly auto-locate and display the value of the maximum peak of each audio track, synth, or bus. Maximize output and prevent clipping by finding all the overs and peaks in your project before you mix. Also draw more precise automation on synth and track busses with visual references provided by the waveform preview.
* Clip-Based Effects and Editing — Have you ever wanted an effect on just one clip? Audio and MIDI clips now contain full-featured effects bins, with unlimited number of audio and MIDI effects contained per clip, clip-based effect automation, automatic delay compensation; mix 16, 24, and 32 bit audio clips seamlessly in the same project; apply fades to selected audio clips, specify fade duration and curve type. In addition, the automation drawing tool has been enhanced for clear, efficient envelope viewing and editing through powerful tempo-sync’d pattern drawing, as well as freehand and random shapes.
* Perfect Space™ Convolution Reverb — true full-resolution convolution stereo processing providing unheralded clarity in the accurate representation of the acoustic characteristics of any physical space or sound. The Perfect Space secret lies within its complete 64-bit double-precision processing of impulse responses at a latency as low as 64 samples (1.5ms at 44.1khz), yielding fast, responsive use with any input signal. Also features: non-destructive impulse editing, linear-phase EQ, SSE/SSE2 and 3DNOW optimizations, and over 300 impulse responses from professional hardware reverbs real spaces.

Native Power
SONAR 5 ships with both a 32-bit version and the first native 64-bit digital audio workstation on the Windows platform. On Intel EM64T and AMD64 based systems running Windows XP x64 Edition, SONAR 5 introduces 20-30% processing performance gains and ground-breaking advances in RAM allocation with access up to 128 GB OF physical RAM.

Amazing Vocal Edits
Roland® V-Vocal™ VariPhrase Technology — integrated into SONAR 5, V-Vocal provides a powerful tool for the creation of perfect vocal tracks. The V-Vocal processor features intuitive controls for simple edits or the transformation of any vocal with automatic pitch correction; flexible phrase and dynamics adjustment; create harmonies, add vibrato, rephrase any audio region; and more.

New Responsive Instruments
SONAR 5 presents an arsenal of high quality instruments for the musician’s choice in expressive tools:

* PSYN II — classic analog sounds and evocative new sounds through full-featured subtractive synthesis modeling. New for version 2: drive, delay, and modulation effects settings provide expanded sonic horizons.
* Pentagon I — vintage analog synthesis, brings to life the analog realm of the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. Also includes a unique voice modulator for creative expansion and a library of classic keyboard sounds.
* RXP — the new tempo-syncing drum machine and groove box that plays REX and SFZ loops, as well as single hits. RXP features hit and loop preview pads, built-in multimode filter and envelopes, drag-and-drop (drag REX files in/drag MIDI out). Includes over 275 megabytes of REX files across many genres.
* SFZ SoundFont Sampler — outstanding sound quality is paramount in this multi-timbral sampler, featuring limitless sample-arranging capabilities, built-in effects, adjustable CPU/quality optimization settings for smooth operation with your hardware, with several load-in modes (including direct-from-disk streaming for SoundFonts). Also includes SoundFonts taken form the critically acclaimed Dimension Pro sound library.
* Roland® GrooveSynth — featuring 100%-genuine Roland sounds from their genre-defining groove boxes and synthesizers. GrooveSynth includes over 400 instrument patches from these legendary synths: 101, 303, 505, 507, 606, 808, and 909.

SONAR 5 Workflow Enhancements
* Integrated Inline Audio and MIDI — all audio and MIDI editing, arranging, and mixing are now in one view within SONAR 5, providing the ultimate in flexibility and workflow efficiency. Plug-ins and Edit Views can also be docked and tabbed right within the Track View.
* Advanced MIDI Sequencing — SONAR 5 further refines the best MIDI sequencer available with the Piano Roll now inline within the Track View: edit, display and filter multiple MIDI notes and controllers simultaneously, use the built-in track toggles to auto-snap drawn notes to specified scales. Additionally, advanced step recording allows for the fluid entry of MIDI notes from a keyboard controller, into any MIDI view at any time.

SONAR 5 Studio Edition
Designed for project studios and aspiring professionals, Studio Edition is built upon the same core engine and feature set of SONAR 5 Producer Edition offering a complete solution for recording, arranging, editing, and mixing your audio productions—all in a tightly integrated workspace. NOTE: SONAR 5 Studio Edition does not have the following features found in SONAR 5 Producer Edition: Roland V-Vocal VariPhrase technology, PSYN II subtractive synth, Pentagon I analog synth, RXP drum machine, Perfect Space Convolution Reverb, Lexicon Surround Reverb, Sonitus Surround Compressor, Video Thumbnail track, POW-r Dithering, MPEX3 Time Stretching, per-channel EQ and assignable FX controls in the Console View.

For more information:
* Sonar 5 Producer Edition
* Sonar 5 Studio Edition
* www.cakewalk.com
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