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SRG Sites > DigiFreq > News > Novation ReMOTE SL25 USB MIDI Keyboard - One Keyboard To Easily Control Loads Of Software Applications
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Novation ReMOTE SL25 USB MIDI Keyboard - One Keyboard To Easily Control Loads Of Software Applications
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With the dominance of software in music making, there is no doubt that the controller keyboard market has boomed in recent years. But try getting one of them to tackle more than one application on any one music project and you enter the dark side of MIDI control, often needing to resort to fiddly overlays or programming on small LCD screens to get your job done. Novation is one company that has constantly been in search of this Holy Grail of MIDI, the keyboard that can control several applications with ease. With the ReMOTE SL25, they finally have it – a USB MIDI keyboard that will truly master all of your music software at the flick of a switch!

The ReMOTE SL uses an ‘automap’ mode, automatically loading the controls for whatever software you are using into its front panel. Boot up Cubase, for example, and SL will detect what instruments you have in your project and map their controls to its pots, switches and sliders. All that’s required to change application or instrument is the press of one button on the keyboard or one mouse click on your computer and SL does the rest. Controls like filter or resonance are placed in the same area of the fascia, regardless of which instrument you have loaded. And as if that wasn't enough, for a more intuitive workflow, there are two massive, brightly lit LCD screens that can display up to 16 different parameter names and values at any one time. These mean that controlling in the dark is a thing of the past and, importantly, that there is no need to be constantly moving between controller and computer to find out which encoder does what, since SL's screens give you all the info you need at a glance. They also make navigating around the menus far easier, with multiple pages on view simultaneously on one screen, and help and instructions available on the other.

The SL also boasts dedicated transport controls, a total of 56 well-positioned assignable pots and sliders, eight musically responsive pads for triggering drums and samples plus the usual neat X/Y touchpad and combined pitch-bend/mod wheel. The onboard memory allows for over 40 Templates, factory preset to cover all popular software and hardware. A stylish Template editor is also provided to cover every layout possibility. Finally, the unit can be powered over the USB port, by batteries (which can be recharged over USB), or via an external PSU.

"These features really do make the ReMOTE SL25 the ultimate MIDI controller and possibly the most intuitive controller keyboard ever made!" says Novation's Ian Jannaway. "The SL has maintained the stylish tradition of the ReMOTE brand but, with the automap mode and those amazing LCDs, we really do believe this is the ultimate keyboard for today's multi-application musician."

Complete integration with Reason 3 and Cubase VST instruments is available straight out of the box, with other sequencers to follow soon after the product ships. The ReMOTE SL25 will retail in the UK for £329 inc. VAT.

For more information: www.novationmusic.com
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