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Best Service Classic Complete Collection Ships
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CLASSIC COMPLETE COLLECTION includes an affordable, useful and comprehensive collection of the finest classical sounds. This 11GB collection is based on previous Peter Siedlaczek releases combined with the Native Instruments KONTAKT Player.

1. Advanced Orchestra
Enjoyable and easy to use with expanded capabilities thanks to the advantages of the newest software developments. Extensive use of key switching and direct-from-disk technology. New programs with multiple layers and instantaneous access to dozens of instruments and playing techniques. This library contains Solo- and Ensemble Strings. Solo- and Ensemble Brass, Solo- and Ensemble Woodwinds and Harp with comfortable access to different articulations and performances, as well as a huge percussion section with many additional instruments. Sounds which have proven themselves in countless music productions worldwide.

2. Classical Choir
This section contains over 100 singers, sampled at each semitone from aaa to zzz, long and short looped, men, women, mixed choir, bass, tenor, alto, soprano. Fantastic falls, swells and choir voice effects. Whether you want a perfectly realistic choral sound or you are creating new sounds, these samples provide the user with perfect material with which to work.

3. Orchestral Colors
A colorful mixture of hits, finales, passages, layers, atmospheres - a collection of “mini-works” which are playable in any key! The incredible tonal richness of a symphony orchestra, its expressiveness, dynamic, or its “power”, makes it the most mighty and versatile body of sound. It is no wonder that orchestral sounds have become an obligatory part of every collection of samples.

4. Smart Violins
A comprehensive collection of runs, licks and other patterns, as well as long notes and legato steps played at different intervals, performed by a large violin ensemble. Outstanding construction tools for creating perfectly realistic runs and melodic lines playable in all keys.

5. Total Piano and more
Classical Boesendorfer piano. Also prepared piano: unconventional playing techniques and amazing sounds, thumb tack piano, honky tonk piano, and piano effects. In addition the collection includes great bonus sounds.


System Requirements
· 11 GB Free Hard Disc Space, DVD Drive

Minimum Requirements
· Windows XP, Pentium III/Athlon 800 Mhz, 512 MB RAM
· Mac OS 10.2.6 or higher, G3 500 Mhz, 512 MB RAM

Recommended System
· Win XP, Pentium IV/Athlon 1 GHz, 1 GB RAM, DVD drive
· Mac OS X 10.3 or higher, G5 1.8 GHz, 1 GB RAM, DVD drive

· WIN: VST™, RTAS™, DXi™, ASIO™, DirectSound™
· MAC: VST™, Audio Units™, Core Audio™, Core MIDI™, RTAS™

For more information: www.soundsonline.com
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