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Sony Sound Effects Series Volumes Six Through Ten Ship
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Introducing the Sony Pictures Sound Effects(tm) Series Volumes Six through Ten collection. This incredible box set delivers five CDs of professional sound effects taken straight from Sony Pictures' massive audio vaults, including 5.1 surround sound explosions with independently adjustable channel layers.

A compelling soundtrack is integral to the cinematic experience; put these effects to work in your productions to achieve an even higher level of emotion, suspense, or impact.

This five-disc collection includes:
* Fantasy / Sci-Fi / Horror
* Explosions / Combat / Weaponry
* Backgrounds / Weather
* Period Effects: Devices / Backgrounds / Combat
* Period Vehicles

With this second installment of our Sony Pictures Sound Effects™ Series, we bring the hallmarks of quality and diversity to filmic auteurs everywhere. Creating your very own piece of cinematic expression has never been easier. We feel you should have the best possible set of quality auditory options available to you at a price you can afford. It's that simple.

Where our first five volumes looked to satisfy the tangible elements of the sound effects world—household items, vocals and wallas, animals, the elements—the next five move further into the intangible world of expert sound design. Explore the outer limits of science fiction, pick and choose from a variety of nail-biting horror soundscapes, or catapult your mind into the realm of the fantastic with hand-picked sonic elements from some of cinema's most imaginative films. We've fired up the wayback machine to bring you everything from Civil War era battle scenes to a choice selection of antique automobiles spanning four decades.

We've also taken sound design to the next level by supplying you with a series of layerable, 5.1 surround sound explosions. Adjust each channel to your own satisfaction, boost the sub, or remove elements to get a stripped down quadraphonic sound. What's more, this booklet includes interviews with five of the industry's most prominent, influential sound design professionals, each one divulging tricks of the trade that helped put them where they are today.

For more information: Sony Sound Effects Series Volumes Six Through 10
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