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SRG Sites > DigiFreq > News > Drums On Demand Introduces My Co-Writer Vol. 1: Pro Rhythm Tracks
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Drums On Demand Introduces My Co-Writer Vol. 1: Pro Rhythm Tracks
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Available in stereo and multitrack format, My Co-Writer™ is an inspiring collection of 17 original music tracks ready for your melody and lyrics. These royalty-free Song Starts™ are live, professionally produced backing tracks that provide a great foundation for your own composition. It's like having a secret collaborator serving up great songs for you to finish. Because they were specifically written and recorded with no melodic hooks, they will inspire your own unique melody -- not dictate one. So every song you write will be fundamentally different from someone else starting with the same Song Start. Plus, adding your own instrumentation or mix can make yours a totally unique production.

Choose one of three formats for three levels of skill and usability:

Music CD For Songwriters (1 CD)
Whether you're an experienced songwriter looking for new ideas or a novice writing your first song, My Co-Writer is a great collaborator. Find the right Song Start to inspire you, and voila, you've got a backing track that sounds like you spent big dollars in the studio. Also included is a Starter Guide with with Song Start worksheets, time markers, songwriting checklists and more.
Only $32.95

24-Bit PC CDs For Recording Musicians (3 CDs)
If you're a recording musician, import any of the 24-bit WAV, stereo Song Starts into your recording software or DAW, and add your own melodic hooks or other instrumentation to complement your melody, building on the Song Start rhythm section. You can add your own solo guitar for example. You can also do some editing -- double a chorus, move a bridge, etc. My Co-Writer is also a great 'live' backing band for instrumentalist. Also included are the charts used in the recording sessions too.
Only $43.95 (Also includes the Music CD above)

Multitrack DVDs For Total Control (2 or 3 DVDs)
Finally, if you want a totally unique production and complete control of the mix, then purchase one of the two multitrack WAV file upgrades. In your recording software or DAW, take away what you don't want, add more of your own tracks. Tweak the mix. In addition to the multitrack files, we've also included many of the live MIDI files for the piano and keyboard tracks for even further modification. Choose one of two multitrack upgrades (one with stereo drums, the other with multitrack drums):
Multitrack Instruments/Stereo Drums (2 DVDs): $99.95
Multitrack Instruments/Multitrack Drums (3 DVDs): $129.95 (Also includes the music CD and 24-bit PC mixes as well)

Key features include:
* 17 Song Starts for you to write to
* Royalty-free license
* 80 Pages of PDF charts, worksheets and starter guide
* CD-quality mix
* Rhythm section includes guitar, bass, piano, drums and overdubs
* Live players -- no "fake" MIDI tracks
* Popular Yamaha C7F Acoustic Grand Piano
* My Co-Writer Starter Guide for novice writers
* Chord charts and song section markers
* Optional Multitrack upgrade for complete personalization of the mix

For more information: www.drumsondemand.com
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