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FXpansion Introduces BFD Jazz & Funk Collection
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The BFD Jazz & Funk Collection is the fourth expansion pack for FXpansion's BFD premium acoustic drum module. Recorded at Omega Studios, Maryland, by a new engineering and production team led by John Emrich, its sounds offer a whole spectrum of fresh flavours for your musical creations.

The kits are recorded in a warm, bright-sounding room, using high-end mics and preamps chosen for their transparency and accuracy. Most of the instruments in the collection are provided in stick and brushed versions, with selected pieces also played with mallets, rods and even hands! A wide range of controlled, dynamic articulations are featured, including some never heard before in a BFD library. Snare cross-sticks and brush sweeps offer new expressive potential for your drum performances.

BFD Jazz & Funk Collection is centred around three beautiful kits - a Slingerland, a Yamaha and a 6-tom Gretsch. Several high-resolution hihats including 1/4-open and 1/2-open positions are included along with a vast array of Sabian, Wuhan and Zildjian cymbals. Finally, a variety of additional kicks and snares further expand your musical possibilities: vintage classics such as a Ludwig Super Sensitive snare, a 1970s Slingerland 32" kick and a restored 1940s Leedy 26" kick are just a few highlights of the drums at your disposal. The versatility of the precision instruments in BFD Jazz & Funk Collection mean that it's perfect for jazz, funk, pop, soul, hip-hop, R&B, blues, country, fusion, folk, rock and far beyond.

* 55 GB of pure, detailed drums
* Complete kits by Gretsch (dual kick and 6 toms), Yamaha and Slingerland
* Snares include a 1973 Ludwig Super Sensitive, Pearl Free Floating, Gregg McDonald 6x14", Rogers 1960s Powertone and 1950s Luxor
* New brushed snare hit types: closed hits, short and long sweeps
* Kicks include a 1970s 32" Slingerland and a restored 1940s 26" Leedy
* Comprehensive cymbal selection, with a huge range Of Sabian cymbals
* Sabian 18" ride and Wuhan 18" china with sizzles, brushes and sticks
* Brushed toms, cymbals, snares and hihats
* Selected instruments played with mallets, rods and hands

Price and Availability:
BFD Jazz & Funk Collection is available direct from FXpansion's online store for $249 / €199 / £129, excluding local taxes where applicable.

For more information: www.fxpansion.com
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