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Ask Video Reason Tutorial DVD Released
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Following on the success of recent DVD tutorials for Cubase SX, Logic Pro, GarageBand, and Live, ASK Video Interactive Media announces their latest tutorial DVD title for Propellerhead Reason music software.

In this information and action packed DVD, Morgan Pottruff (aka Morg), author of the recent Live tutorial DVD, returns with one of ASK Video's most ambitious productions to date. This DVD is packed with more than 4 hours of instruction and features 38 ultra-high quality videos, most of which contain audio examples of Morg's original music to demonstrate in detail the inner most workings of Reason.

"If you thought you knew Reason then think again," states Steve Kostrey, CEO of ASK Video. "Morg shows you Reason in some incredible new ways through the extra 'Tips and Tricks' sections that really show off the power under the hood."

Reason 3.0, a virtual studio rack with musical tools and instruments, has become one of the most popular virtual instruments for making music on computers. This DVD guides the user from first installation through the entire program, including advanced concepts, to help users get the most from this powerful program.

The DVD begins with Installation on a Mac and PC, setting preferences, concepts and menus. Once familiar with the program, Morg then guides the user through their first song and covers the mixer and the instruments within Reason. From there, the DVD covers sequencing, effects, editing before tackling advanced concepts like control voltage, synchronization, advanced MIDI, and using ReWire with other software hosts. As an added bonus, two special tips and tricks sections arm power users with the information to take their productions to the next level.

The Reason Tutorial DVD is a great resource for all levels of Reason users.

System Requirements:
This product includes QuickTime 7.x Mac/PC which is required for video playback. DVD-Rom drive required. Minimum screen resolution 1024 x 768.
PC: Windows XP Home or Professional, Intel Pentium or AMD Athlon 800 MHz or faster, 256 MB RAM. Windows MME or DirectSound Sound Card.
MAC: Requires Mac OS X v10.2 or higher, Power Mac G4 867 MHz, 256 MB RAM, Sound Card.

Pricing and Availability:
Reason DVD Tutorial is available now for $45 USD.

For more information: Ask Video's Propellerhead Reason Tutorial (DVD)
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