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SRG Sites > DigiFreq > News > Zero-G TOTAL REX - The World's Largest Collection Of Professional REX Files
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Zero-G TOTAL REX - The World's Largest Collection Of Professional REX Files
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Zero-G TOTAL REX, featuring OVER 15,000 of our best loops selected from over 40 different Zero-G products. Over 10 GIGABYTES of groove inspiration. We highly recommend that you check this compilation out BEFORE buying any other REX library, to avoid disappointment.

Zero-G brings you a First Choice rhythm loop compilation in REX2 format. This is the ULTIMATE compilation of professional quality REX files - OVER 15,000 drumloops, instrument grooves & riffs, breakbeats and awesome rhythmic inspiration for use with: Propellerheads REASON, Spectrasonics STYLUS RMX, Steinberg CUBASE, Apple LOGIC PRO, Motu MACHFIVE, Motu DIGITAL PERFORMER, NI INTAKT, NI KONTAKT, Cakewalk SONAR, Image-Line FL STUDIO, and more....

This "Best of Zero-G" rhythm compilation scores 10/10 in each of the areas it matters most:
(1) It's MASSIVE! - in the case of this title, over 15,000 loops, and over 10 GIGABYTES!
(2) Truly PROFESSIONAL levels of QUALITY and USABILITY (after all, these loops were produced by Zero-G, one of the world's largest and most highly acclaimed suppliers to the pro audio industry for 15 years, and these loops are among our very best, derived from over 40 of our most highly acclaimed releases over that period!),
(3) An AMAZINGLY DIVERSE and VARIED range of loops from many musical styles and cultures, and
(4) Simply UNBELIEVABLE PRICE representing totally unbeatable value-for-money.

A huge injection of groove material. A massive rush of inspiration. Open up whole new vistas on your musical creativity with this enormous collection. With overwhelming variety and diversity in style, this absolutely massive compilation is guaranteed to provide exciting new rhythmic ideas for enhancing your next hit record, commercial soundtrack or dancefloor groove.

For more information: www.soundsonline.com
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