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eMedia Intermediate Piano & Keyboard Method CD-ROM - an Innovative Way to Learn Intermediate Piano
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eMedia Music Corp., publisher of the world's best-selling and award-winning series of music instruction software, announces its new dual platform Windows/Macintosh eMedia Intermediate Piano & Keyboard Method CD-ROM. This innovative and original approach to teaching piano incorporates the classics, blues and improvisation to create an exciting musical experience.

It is the follow up to the successful eMedia Piano & Keyboard Method CD-ROM released in 2003, which was hailed as "An impressive and thorough piano teaching program" (American Music Teacher Magazine) and "Simply Amazing" (Music News). eMedia Music is acknowledged to be the leader in music education software with educational endorsements including "Top 50 CD-ROM for school and after school" from Newsweek.

Authored by Vadim Ghin, who has taught at the Juilliard School of Music, New York University and the Manhattan School of Music, eMedia Intermediate Piano & Keyboard Method CD-ROM contains over 150 lessons that will improve your playing, help you master your keyboard and develop your musicianship. You'll learn to play pieces by famous composers in a broad range of musical styles, from Baroque to the present.

eMedia Intermediate Piano & Keyboard Method features over 50 songs including pieces from Beethoven, Chopin, Irving Berlin and "Jelly Roll" Morton. eMedia Intermediate Piano & Keyboard Method also contains over 50 full-motion videos demonstrating techniques. Other features include an animated keyboard, a recorder, a digital metronome, orchestral accompaniment, interactive feedback, reviews and ear training exercises. Take your playing to the next level with eMedia Intermediate Piano & Keyboard Method.

eMedia Intermediate Piano & Keyboard Method is available now at computer and music retail stores nationwide and online outlets for an estimated street price of $59.95. An Educational Edition with special features for teachers and classroom instruction is also available for an estimated street price of $99.95. The CD-ROM is a hybrid for both Windows and Macintosh platforms.

For more information:
* eMedia Intermediate Piano & Keyboard Method CD-ROM
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