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SRG Sites > DigiFreq > News > Drums On Demand Volume 7 Tight 'n' Dry Ships
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Drums On Demand Volume 7 Tight 'n' Dry Ships
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Drums On Demand® Tight 'n' Dry features a "dry" mix - combined with a snare that pops, a kick drum that spanks, and toms that speak right up. Not a lot of room ambience, but with an overall feeling of punch and musicality. With tasteful EQ and compression, it's a popular sound and attitude that provides the foundation of many of today's rock, pop and county hits.

Part of our new Studio Series, Tight 'n' Dry includes deep Song Sets, a selection of Loop Layers and extensive single hits, plus an optional multitrack upgrade. You'll also find a relatively consistent mix across the entire volume for easier mixing and matching of loops from different Song Sets. Tight 'n' Dry is organized with our patent-pending Song Set system, with each set featuring as many as 60 verse, chorus, fill, bridge, break, intro, ending and other loops. Simply find the Master Loop that fits your song and use the other loops and segments in the Song Set to quickly build a drum track that feels and sounds like a live drummer playing a real song-with a veteran engineer at the console.

The Tight 'n' Dry collection is available exclusively at www.drumsondemand.com. The 2-CD stereo edition in the format of your choice is only $79.95 with the optional Multitrack Upgrade (on 2 DVDs) an additional $99.95

Volume 7 Highlights:
* Suitable for contemporary rock, pop and country
* Dry and snappy attitude and feel
* Several varieties of piccolo snares
* Snare- and rim-based Song Sets
* Many half-time sections
* More than 1300 Loops, Loop Layers & Single Hits in 24 Song Sets
* 100 megs matching multi-velocity single hits
* Tempos ranging from 68-175 BPM
* Matching mix across entire volume for easier mixing and matching between Song Sets.
* Nearly 1.3+ gigs on 2 CDs (24-bit version)
* Mostly 4/4 (some shuffles) with some odd-time
* Royalty-free
* Patent-Pending organization system

For more information: www.drumsondemand.com
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