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Native Instruments Celebrates 10-year NI-VERSARY
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Native Instruments kicked off the "NI-VERSARY" celebrations, honoring the 10th anniversary of the company and the exciting decade of music software evolution that lead up to it. In the summer of 1996, Native Instruments released the groundbreaking modular software synthesizer GENERATOR that was later to become the REAKTOR platform. This laid the basis for a wealth of innovative instruments and tools such as KONTAKT, TRAKTOR DJ Studio and GUITAR RIG, which changed the way that music is produced and performed today.

The NI-VERSARY celebrations include a wide range of heavily discounted special offers on NI products, all valid for ten weeks until September 10th. Other NI-VERSARY events include high-profile prize drawings as well as a concluding party in Berlin on September 23rd, featuring live performances and DJs from some of Native Instruments´ top sponsored artists.

"When we started out back then, my only goal was to turn a computer into a synthesizer that allowed me to explore unlimited sonic territories," says Stephan Schmitt, founder of Native Instruments. "That we would branch out into so many directions goes far beyond the expectations we had at that time. I am very happy that we have been able to empower and inspire so many musicians over the last decade, and want to thank everybody who has contributed to this."

"With Native Instruments, I saw the opportunity to develop a fantastic technological vision into something with a global reach," says Daniel Haver, CEO of Native Instruments. "Going from a small group of six enthusiasts to a market-leading company with more than 130 people, while preserving this spirit of uncompromising innovation, has been an extremely rewarding experience. I am looking forward to the next ten years and beyond, and to the new tools and technologies that we will share with our users in the time to come."

The NI-VERSARY special offers include discounts up to 66% on ABSYNTH 3, FM7, GUITAR COMBOS and TRAKTOR DJ Studio 3, as well as highly discounted upgrade and crossgrade versions of BATTERY 2, GUITAR RIG 2, KONTAKT 2, REAKTOR 5 and other products, including the full range of NI SOUNDLINE libraries.

The NI-VERSARY drawings contain more than 15.000 Euro ($19,000) worth of prizes, including an Intel-Core-Duo-powered laptop by Fujitsu-Siemens, a specially NI-VERSARY issue Les Paul Custom guitar from Gibson, an Allen&Heath Xone:3D DJ controller, a pair of high-end JBL studio monitors and a 88-key Doepfer master keyboard. A special prize drawing includes a VIP weekend trip for two people to Berlin to visit the company offices and join the NI-VERSARY party at the Watergate Club.

For more information: www.ni-versary.com
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