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SRG Sites > DigiFreq > News > eMedia Announces the Release of Guitar Pro 5.1
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eMedia Announces the Release of Guitar Pro 5.1
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eMedia Music Corp., publisher of the world's best-selling series of guitar tutorial CD-ROMs, announces the release of Arobas Music's Guitar Pro 5.1 CD-ROM - the new Windows / Macintosh hybrid version of the best-selling multi-track tablature editor software for guitar, banjo and bass. Besides writing scores, Guitar Pro 5.1 is a complete tool for beginner and accomplished guitarists alike to improve, compose, or accompany themselves. Now Macintosh users can experience what over 1 Million PC users already know - Guitar Pro is the standard for tablature editing and composition.

Guitar Pro 5.1 is a complete workshop for guitarists at an affordable price. Guitar Pro is known as the most powerful and intuitive tablature editor on the market. New advanced notation features add drum notation, vocal notation and tablature support for any stringed instruments with four to seven strings! You can create complete scores for a band in minutes. Guitar Pro 5.1 is your total solution for creating lead sheets, scores, or lesson sheets for your students. Guitar Pro 5.1 features the newest in playback technology including RSE-Realistic Sound Engine. RSE gives you real time playback of your scores with realistic sound samples taken from high quality guitars and real time effects such as wah-wah. These new features make Guitar Pro 5.1 the guitar players' best choice for composing and transcribing. Improved ASCII import/export and the newly enhanced speed trainer will show you why Guitar Pro is the dominant force in guitar music on the web.

Guitar Pro has been a best seller in Europe and has over a MILLION users worldwide. It is hailed by Guitarist Magazine as "an intelligent, simple, clear and precise tool." Riff Magazine says Guitar Pro, "is unquestionably the best that can be found in the field of tablature editing for PC."

Guitar Pro 5.1 is available now at computer and music retail stores nationwide with an estimated retail price of $59.95. The hybrid CD-ROM is compatible with Windows 98 SE/2000/XP and Macintosh OSX 10.3 or higher.

For more information: www.emediamusic.com
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